26 | ĘrrØ-r

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"Jason," you whispered under my breath. I had already began to sweat from being so nervous, but I had determination and my king along side me. They would be there to help me through this battle.

"F/n." Jason stepped into the light, leaving the floating figure in the shadows. I knew who it was though, just their presence wanted to make me-no, don't wimp out. Stand your ground f/n. "I see you've gathered an army of skeletons, hm. Using my own trick against me." Jason sighed and tilted his head back, hunching over slightly. His body glitched, jerking slightly. "I like that about you f/n. You're filled with such determination, I'm actually a little envious." He stood up normally and looked directly at me.

"Jason, what are you even saying?" I let go of Sans's hand and took a step forward so I was closer to Jason. The floating figure stayed where it was but I could tell its eyes were on me, watching every move I made. "What happened to you? I knew you were a bad person, but.. This? Killing innocent monsters? That's a whole new level of bad, Jason!" My hands balled into fists and I bit my bottom lip, trying to keep my anger in. I had to be calm about this.

"Does it look like I care?" Jason scoffed then looked to my hand, seeing the shiny ring that was wrapped delicately around my ring finger on my left hand. His eyes narrowed as he understood what it was, but he decided not to say anything about it. "Y'know.. The offer still stands f/n. You can join me and we can leave this place together, or you can stay here and be killed by my own two hands." Jason glitched again, and I viewed him closer. Something I had noticed before was that Jason's body was covered in large inhuman scars.

Jason caught me looking at the scars and so he flashed me a twisted smile. I started wondering why his body had become so battered and broken, but then I remembered he was a timeline jumper. He could jump through timeline to timeline, it must have taken its tole on his body.

"I'd never join you, even if I do die!" I growled, narrowing my e/c eyes as I looked at him, expression full of hate and disgust. Jason chuckled and shook his head.

"What a mistake you've made."

Then, he lunged forward, aiming his knife straight towards where my heart was. The whole thing took me by surprise but I ended up moving out of the way, rushing to the side so he'd miss, and he did. Jason laughed and ran towards me again, I continued to dodge each attack he sent towards me. The room didn't go black and white, this was for real.

If I got killed, there was no coming back.

Finally, the other hidden figure floated out of the shadows, I could onto get a quick glimpse of him because Jason had kept on throwing attack after attack at me.

He was a dark blue and his legs and arms were red but his fingers were yellow and very sharp-like. His clothes were unnaturally colored and didn't match in together at all, he wore the same outfit as the normal Sans but still. He had a horrible choice in colors. His right eye socket was full of red and he even had a small red pupil, the left eye socket was also red but his pupil was yellow and it glowed a faded mist. His smile was a sickly stained yellow. Blue tears made their way down his cheekbones but then when they fell to his chin, they became strings. The blue strings were wrapped around his yellow fingers and barely touched the ground because he was floating just above it.

His appearance made chills go down my spine, but for now I had to ignore him. I had to stay alive for Sans, for everyone. I cringed in pain as I got cut on my arm slightly, I was too distracted by Error that I hadn't been paying attention to Jason.

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