22 | Blueberry!

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"Try, try, and try again."
- - -

Sans looked at the blueprint in his hand and then looked at the machine. He traced his fingers along the side of the machine then dug them into a small crack and pulled them back, opening up something. He then pressed a few buttons and the machine stirred, making a whirring noise. He took a few steps back and set the piece of blue paper back down on the counter. The front of the machine which was pitch black began to turn all different shades of blue. It was like some kind of portal.

"First off is UnderSwap. You said Blueberry was the one who had warned you, right?" Sans asked, resting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded.

"Him and two other versions of you. A Sans from Underfell-" Sans began to sweat slightly, probably not liking the name of that alternate underground "-and AfterTale." Sans cleared his throat and nodded.

"Let's save UnderfFell for last." He mumbled and then grabbed my hand, stepping into the portal. As we went through the portal, we found ourselves right back in the beginning, where I had fallen. This place was incredibly familiar. "C'mon, we have to find the other me." Sans gripped onto my hand a little tighter and started walking. I followed close by, still looking around with a curious expression.

There was a ray of light up ahead. That's where I had found Flowey! But.. Instead of a flower being there, there was a small dog-cat like creature with gray-black-ish hair.

"Hoi!" The creature spoke. Sans and I stared at it, obviously a little unsettled. "I Tem da Temmie! Humans and skeletons lookz sooo confuzed! It KK, Tem helpz!" Temmie went on and on about everything I had already learned from Flowey. She then tried to attack us but was flung away by a fire ball. Then a tall goat monster stepped out from the shadows.

Instead of a woman, like Toriel, it was a man. The tall monster smiled reassuringly at Sans and I. Sans looked like he was becoming a bit impatient since he was tapping his foot quietly against the ground, wanting the monster, who said his name was Asgore, to finish speaking so we could leave.

After about an hour of puzzles and other challenges Sans teleported us out of the ruins when Asgore was sleeping. He sighed and looked at me.

"That was bone-tiring." He complained. His pun made me laugh and I shook my head slightly.

"Asgore was really nice though. Isn't he the king of the underground in our world?" I kept my smile on my face and walked with Sans only to come face to face with these really tall bars. These bars could actually stop someone, they weren't like the too far apart bars in my world.

"Yeah, he is. Asgore is still pretty nice though, other than the whole having to kill a human and taking their soul thing." Sans glanced behind us and so did I. There was a very tall figure standing there, looming over us. I turned fully around just as Sans did and we both stared up at the tall figure.

"Hm.." It hummed and stepped out of the shadows, glancing to Sans then myself. It was Papyrus but he looked a lot more.. Chill? Papyrus also had a cigarette in between his teeth, he blew out a puff of smoke before chuckling dryly. "What's an UnderTale doin' here?" He asked, looking at Sans curiously. Sans blinked and moved his hands around his pockets to get them comfortable.

Papyrus was wearing a large orange hoodie and brown cargo pants with some orange sneakers that matched his hoodie. He looked kind of like Sans, but he's also Papyrus? UnderSwap confused me a little.

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