4 | Your Arms, Get Them Away!

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"She was brave
and strong
and broken
all at once."
- - -

I jolt awake and sit up quickly. What was with that dream, it was horrifying. Actually, I can't really remember it. I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding in and look around at my surroundings. Still in the Skelebros' house. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs so I turn to see who it was and surprisingly it was Sans. For some reason he looked a bit worried, but then again he's always smiling so I can never really tell what he's thinking.

"Hey kid, you okay? I heard you yell." He looked at me after sitting down on the edge of the couch. For some reason, my heart fluttered from the way he was talking to me.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I'm fine. Just a nightmare." I had a reassuring but fake smile on my face, Sans could probably see right through me.

"You don't look fine.. But I'll take your word for it I guess." Sans began to stand up from the couch but I reached out and lightly grabbed his sleeve.

"Um.. Sans?" I looked up at him with a light red blush across my cheeks. Sans looked back at me, silently telling me to continue. "Can you stay here?" I ask, more embarrassed than I have ever been in my entire life. I was a little too scared at the moment, I didn't want to be alone. (Author ships it) It looked like Sans had a blue looking blush on his face, it was kind of cute. Wait, what are you thinking f/n?! You just met this guy so calm your ovaries!

"Sure kiddo." Sans sat back down and I let go of his sleeve. I felt more comfortable with him sitting there beside me. I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep again.

The next day...
My e/c eyes slowly fluttered open and I soon felt a warm presence next to mine, right in front of me. There was a weight around my waist. I looked up and saw Sans' face quite close to my own and I soon found out that his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. My face became a very dark red but I didn't move at all, I didn't want to wake him up. Is this cliche or what? I just asked him to stay by me, not sleep with me! Oh jeez..

What if Papyrus walks down here and sees this? I'd die from embarrassment.

I felt Sans shift around slightly. Oh god, what if he sees that I'm awake and not moving?! I'm having an internal struggle here! I closed my eyes quickly when Sans moved around again. I'm pretty sure his eyes opened because I felt like someone was staring at me.
I tried to hide my blush and any signs of me being awake by hiding my face with his sweater. Now my face was insanely close to his chest. What the hell am I doing?!

Sans' POV
I felt like someone was watching me so I woke up, feeling a bit uncomfortable. I opened my eyes and noticed that I had fallen asleep down here with f/n. Wait, what? I look down slightly and see that f/n is still asleep, but as soon as I see her face she moves her head to my chest. I could feel my cheekbones burning. I also notice that in my sleep I ended up wrapping my arms around her waist. We look like a couple, which we are not.

I blink and take in the situation. She looks pretty adorable when she's like this.

What am I even thinking? There's no way I'd even have a chance with a girl like this.. Especially since she's human. I let out a quiet sigh and unwrap myself away from her, leaving her on the couch. I need to cool off, I'm a little too embarrassed at the moment.

Your POV
Sans' warmth left me and I soon heard the front door open then close. I figured it was safe to open my eyes so I did.  I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes.
"What a weird situation.. Jesus." I smile slightly as I think back to his face while he was sleeping-and oh my god I'm being weird again. I get up and off the couch. I stretch out my arms and take a few deep breaths in and out. I walk up the stairs and knock on Pap's door.

"Papyrus, wake up! Let's do some puzzles!" I yell and soon I hear a loud thud and Pap saying 'owie' before the door to his room swings open.

"PUZZZLESSSSSSS!!!" I yell puzzles along with him as we go outside and run towards one of his new puzzles. He tells me about how Sans helped him out with this puzzle a little and I immediately blush hearing the small skeleton's name.


"It's uh.. A normal thing, don't worry about me Pap." I smile as we walk to his puzzle, I'm also a little bit excited. Papyrus shows me the puzzle and explains it. What I have to do is find a switch and flip it so I can get past a spike wall. I think for a moment then run over to a large pile of snow that's close by. Once I move the pile of snow around I find the switch and flip it, making the spiked wall disappear into the ground.

"YOU FOUND IT OUT REALLY QUICK HUMAN. I'M IMPRESSED!" Papyrus laughed and I smiled, I was pretty proud of myself. Pap and I did a few more puzzles before heading back to the house. Once we got back I saw Sans sitting down on the green couch, watching T.V. I gulp, feeling embarrassed already.
"HUMAN YOUR FACE IS DOING THAT RED THING AGAIN." Papyrus states, looking at me with concern. Sans notices we're there and also looks at my face to see what Pap was talking about. I clear my throat and look over at Papyrus with a troubled smile on my face.

"Yeah, it does that sometimes.. I'm fine, don't worry about it Pap." I hide my face with my hand and ask Papyrus if they have a bathroom, and they do so I go in there to cool off. Sans and Papyrus both watched me walk away.

"THE HUMAN IS KIND OF WORRYING ME, SANS." Papyrus says this as he sits down next to his brother.
"Why is she worrying you?" Sans looked up to his bro, he himself wasn't really worried about f/n.

"SHE HAS BEEN TURNING RED ALL DAY AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY." Papyrus sighs loudly, making Sans want to laugh a bit but he holds that in.

"I'm sure she's fine. Maybe you're just working her too hard to the bone with your cool puzzles?" Sans shrugged after he finished speaking. Papyrus gasped.

"YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY BE RIGHT SANS! AND I WILL DISOWN YOU AS A BROTHER IF YOU SAY ANOTHER PUN!" Papyrus stands up quickly and puts his gloved hand on his chest.

"I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SHALL MAKE THE HUMAN SOME BETTER AND LESS DIFFICULT PUZZLES!" After saying that, Papyrus ran out of the house to go do his best. Sans was hoping Papyrus would do exactly what he did, he actually needed to ask f/n a few questions.

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1266 words

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