28 | Recovering And Disappearing

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Art was made by me.
Looks kinda bad, sorry.
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Narrator's POV
So far, the battle was over. But there was one problem.

Everyone was dead..

Toriel, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Asgore, and all of the monsters except yourself, Sans, Papyrus, and their other versions. You were going to have to do something drastic once you wake up. Yes you were still unconscious but the skeletons decided to move you and Sans back to their house in Snowdin. The walk wasn't very long.

"Paps.." Blueberry quietly tried to get his brother's attention. Chill Papyrus hummed in response, looking down at his older yet less mature brother. "Do you think the human will be alright?" Blueberry sounded very concerned as he asked his brother this question. Chill Pap looked back at my figure which was being held by the original Papyrus.

"I'm sure she'll be just fine bro." Chill Pap reassured his worried brother. Blueberry glanced back to you and nodded, hoping that Papyrus was right about your wellbeing.

After getting to the house, Papyrus set you down on the green couch. It made a jangling noise, like spare change was hidden under the cushions. Papyrus sighed and looked over to the darker version of himself, who was holding Sans. Morbid Pap set down Sans on the couch on the spot beside you. Now all they had to do was wait for you two to wake up and hopefully that'd be soon.

A while later..

Slowly but surely, Sans began to stir. Then he opened his eyes, looking around. It took him a bit to realize where he was. He sat up and stretched. Accidentally bopping you on the head with his hand, he looked over to you and felt his heart begin to race.

"F/n-" He we interrupted by Morbid Pap's voice. "She's not awake yet, so don't waste your breath." The tall skeleton walked towards the couch from the kitchen.

"Where's everyone else?" Sans asked, cautiously looking at this other version of Papyrus. His appearance made Sans feel uncomfortable and his aura made him nervous.

"Well, your brother went out with that other loud pipsqueak to go and see if there are any survivors. That lazy me went out to follow them just to make sure that they're safe." Papyrus sighed and placed his gloved hands on his hip bones, looking over at your figure. "I bandaged her up, she had been stabbed straight through her stomach but she's lucky that the knife didn't pierce through any major arteries." Sans arched a nonexistent eyebrow. This papyrus was pretty smart.

"Well, uh.. Thanks." Sans thanked Papyrus. Pap looked away from you and over to Sans, a blank expression across his face.

"I'm wondering something." Papyrus walked a little closer to the couch, he towered over Sans with a very intimidating posture. "Do you know what she's going to do once she wakes up?" He questioned. Sans had never thought about what would happen, but now that the topic was brought up, he did have an idea. "She's going to reset, isn't she?"

Sans nodded.

"Then why the hell did we even try?" Papyrus moved away from Sans and turned around, back facing the short skeleton. "If she's going to reset, just think. Everything will start over. Who knows what that other human will remember? And Error, that glitchy version of you. He'll be back with new plans, he'll have learned from his mistakes." Pap sighed and put a hand on his forehead, glaring daggers at nothing. "My brother would have died for nothing."

Sans took in every word this Papyrus said. He understood where he was coming from, but he wondered how this version of his brother knew so much about the timelines and memories people would lose. "How do you know so much?" Sans asked, curiosity eating at him.

"Listen, Sans. Your bother isn't as dumb as he may sound or look. I am after all just a hidden piece of his personality." Pap turned back around. "I suggest you stop underestimating your own Papyrus." Sans was taken aback by Pap's words, but he knew that he was right. Papyrus wasn't just the sweet little younger brother he knew and loved. He knew things that maybe even Sans didn't know.

And honestly, that scared him.

The front door swung open and in stepped Blueberry and Papyrus, along with the more calm version of Papyrus.

"WE'RE BACK!" Blueberry and Papyrus yelled out in unison, they then looked at each other with confused expression, wondering why they had said that at the same time. Chill Pap only chuckled before walking into the house before sitting down on the table by the front door. He sat down beside Sans' pet rock.

"There weren't any other monsters." Chill Pap said, shrugging as he looked over at f/n's body.

Papyrus walked over to the couch and sat down next to Sans, making Sans get squished between your body and his brother's body. "HELLO SANS, I AM GLAD TO SEEE THAT YOU ARE AWAKE NOW." Papyrus smiles, patting Sans gently on the top of his skull.

"SO, HOW IS THE HUMAN? IT SEEMS THEY HAVE NOT WOKEN UP YET." Papyrus looked over at you, voice laced with concern as he spoke. Sans sighed and shrugged, not knowing when you'd wake up, or even if you would wake up. The thought of you being in a coma frightened him, he didn't know how he could go on through life without you by his side as his queen.

He gulped, desperately hoping you would wake up soon.

And just as the thought of you waking up appeared in his mind, you shifted, slowly fluttering open your e/c eyes. Everyone looked at you now and they all seemed very happy, even Morbid Pap, to see that you were up. Sans quickly wrapped his arms around your torso, he embraced you gently since you still had that horrible stab wound in your lower abdomen.

You hugged Sans back, wondering why he had hugged you in the first place, but honestly you didn't care. You liked being in his arms and he liked you being in his arms, so it was a win-win scenario. The other skeletons in the room, except for the "innocent" Papyrus and morbid Papyrus, watched with eyes full of jealousy. You and Sans could care less about the jealous stares, you two were happy to be in each others arms.

Sans finally pulled away from the hug and he looked into your eyes, grin wide.

"How are ya' feeling?" Sans asked, glancing down to your bandaged wound. You also looked down and pulled up your shirt slightly, revealing the bandages. There was a bloodied stain right where the wound was, perhaps there was a need of a bandage change but you would deal with that later.

"I'm fine. How about you?" I tore my eyes away from the injury and looked at Sans instead. Sans chuckled and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I'm good, but now that you're awake, I'm great."

Everyone groaned, not liking how lovey-dovey Sans and you were being in front of them. You moved away from Sans and smiled awkwardly, but then you realized someone was missing.

"Um.. Where's Edgy?" You looked around, searching for the grumpy Sans you kind of
liked. Morbid Pap seemed to freeze at his brother's nickname, he opened his mouth, ready to speak.

"Dead." Your eyes widened as you heard Morbid Pap reply to your question. Edgy died? I blinked, tears fought to escape my eyes but I held them back, not wanting to overreact because of my friend's death. "He died because he had thought you had been killed." Morbid Pap finished, narrowing his eye sockets at you. You felt a pang of regret wash over you.

"I-I'm sorry." You rubbed your eyes since tears had started to shed. You thought about Edgy and how you could've saved him if only you hadn't been so naive around Jason.


Speaking of Jason..

Where was he?

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