21 | We May Need Some Help

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"We're all
mad here."
- - -


"I see that you've remembered my name, ha." Jason cracked his knuckles and sighed, closing his eyes as he did so before opening them again and looking at me. "It sure has been a while, hasn't it f/n?" Jason took a step forward, which made me take a step backward. I ended up bumping my lower back against the edge of the stand.

"Jason, there's no way you can be here! Why are you even down here in the first fucking place?!" I shouted, narrowing my eyes as I looked at him. He only chuckled, gripping onto the knife he held. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"After an hour of waiting for you to come out of that dumb forest, I began to worry." He started, frowning. "I went in after you and ended up tripping, falling down into that goddamn hole. I landed on a patch of flowers and when I stood up, I saw this small child. They had short brown hair, red eyes, and these rosy cheeks." Jason twirled the knife through his fingers, gazing down at it.

"A-A child?" I questioned, glancing to his knife then back to him.

"Yes, a child. They spoke to me about how these monsters would soon come back up to where we lived and destroy everything. They sounded so.. Right." Jason chuckled, tearing his eyes away from the knife and back to me.

"Are you insane?!" I yelled, gulping.

Jason laughed and mumbled a few things before talking again. "Join me, f/n. Let's kill the monsters, let's end their filthy existences and break the barrier. Let's escape the underground and be together. What do ya' say?" Jason held out his left hand to me, eyes full of hope. I growled.

"No." I mumbled, looking at him straight into his horrible eyes. They were stained red and looked tired.

"What was that?" Jason asked, his tone was lower and a lot harsher than before.

"I said no! I'm never going to harm these people! They're my family!" I screamed, shaking from yelling so loud. Suddenly, I heard snow crunching from behind me. A presence was behind me so I looked behind my shoulder only to see Sans standing there. He looked worried.

"F/n.. What's wrong? What's going on?" His white pupils glanced from me to Jason. He put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me and I frowned, looking away from Sans, not knowing how to explain the situation.

"Oh, it's you." Jason grumbled, staring at Sans now.

"Who the hell are you, and what do you mean by that? I don't think we've ever met before." Sans lowly replied, knowing that this new human was the cause of my stress and fear.

"I've been here for quite a while actually. Longer than you think. Let's just get one thing straight. You're in my way and that means you have to go." Jason pointed his knife towards us, the knife glistened as a ray of light hit it. Sans growled and let go of my shoulder. He tried to keep himself calm.

"I'm in you're way? For what?" Sans questioned, trying to keep his tone down. He glanced over to me, seeing that I was shaking from one: being cold and two: being scared. Sans decided to slip off his jacket and hand it over to me while Jason was talking. I gladly put it on, enjoying the warmth before I started to listen to Jason.

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