29 | Reset

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"I can't escape this hell."
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A figure in the shadows leaned against a dark wall, the texture felt like a cave's. They traced their tired finger tips against the rough surface as they slowly made their way to their destination. A single ray of light lay just up ahead. They breathed out a hoarse and pained chuckle before coughing, they clutched their chest with the hand that wasn't pressing against the cave wall.

"Dammit," they croaked. Their voice sounded tired and was slightly glitched. They knew they weren't supposed to be in this timeline, this world, but they decided to find a way here anyway because of their own selfishness. "What did they do to me?" Another chuckle, but it stopped right after it had been released because of yet another cough. A dark figure stood in the day of light, it had just appeared in a ball of black mist. The most faded, showing the face of a child.

A demented smile complimented their terrifying features.

"Jason." They called out his name, staring at his pained and exhausted body making its way towards them. "You seem.. C o n f u s e d." Their smile widened and their empty and soulless eyes scanned Jason, examining him. Jason on scoffed, scowling as he stared at the child. Their cheeks were a deep rosy red color, the blush didn't seem to fade.

"Shut up, kid. You know why I've come to find you, don't you? So let's get to the damn point." Jason pushed himself from the wall and he stumbled into the light, showing himself. Black liquid made its way from his mouth and eyes and down his face to his chin. It dropped, falling to the ground and on his dark green shirt. He was in pain, but he held back the urge to scream out in agony.

"Now, Jason. That's no way to speak to someone who has only done nothing but help you." They swung on their heels, trying to seem innocent. They failed. Their brown hair slightly covered their dark eyes, hiding their frustrated expression for only a mere second before they became normal again. "After all I've done for you, you decide to betray my own words because that girl said something to you. You're weak."

"I said, shut up, Chara. You have no idea how this feels. Being controlled by someone who has always done nothing but hate. When you possessed my body, that's all I ever felt. Hate." Jason growled and took a shaky step towards Chara, they only stood their ground. Of course, they were angry with Jason because of how he had turned on them, but there was no way Jason could ever fight and kill them.

"No, Jason. You're the one who needs to 'shut up'." Chara giggled, shaking their head. Their brown hair swayed with their movements. "I don't think you understand how big of a deal this all is.." Chara stood up onto their tippy-toes and put their index finger on Jason's chest, grinning threateningly. "Right after she resets I'll chose another human. One who won't be as weak as you. You'll never have the memories of ever being here, you won't know the sweet forgiveness of f/n, you'll never know what happens to her! Instead, you will fall down that hole and die. You won't end up here again!" Chara laughed, moving away from Jason, they slightly twirled as they moved.

Jason took a step back, looking away from Chara and down to the ground in disbelief. How could they do this to him? Why? Chara sighed with content, smile wide with satisfaction.

Back at the skelebro's house..

Sans had pulled you aside and into his room to talk with you. Right now you both were sitting on his bed, looking at each other. You waited for him to speak, but you already knew what he was going to say.

"F/n.." Sans started, gently placing his hands around yours. You looked at him, examining his expression. "You have to reset." He finally said after a few moments of silence. His grin was small which meant that he didn't want you to reset since that would make everyone's memories disappear. The only monsters who would keep their memories were him and his other selves. No one else would remember who you were and what you had done to save the timelines. "Listen, f/n—"

You cut him off.

"Sans, it's okay. I'll be okay. I just want everyone back." I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a light kiss to reassure him. I pulled away and sighed. "As long as you remember me, I'll be okay." Sans' grin had widened and seemed more genuine the forced smile he was giving me.

"I love you, f/n." Sans said, pressing his teeth against my forehead gently.

"I love you too." I saw him shut his eyes, enjoying my warmth. I opened up my menu and so a reset and continue button appear in front of me, I reached out my hand after moving it away from Sans then I pressed the reset button.

Everything went to black.


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My alarm rings.

Sorry that this is so short.

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