hello (author's note)

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Hey guys!

I think i should tell you who i am so this aren't facts or something llike that but basically some things i just wrote that kinda describe me.

So basically i am 16yo girl who is obesessed with the sky.
I love Joe, Connor and Troye and i hope that i will met them oneday. Cat person. Photography lover. Weird thing that is going on in my head i am just writing here. Cry baby person. Emotions are beautiful so don't hide it. Deep thinker. Aestethic. Creative. Music lover. Love TV shows. Bed is ma best friend. Love english (even if it's not my mother language i sometimes can speak in english better then in mother language - weird i know.. I am all weird)
If you want me to do an imagine just leave a comment or send me dm.

Hope we will be friends 💞


Instagram fan account: @suggytroye
Instagram personal: @itsariels
Twitter: @itsariels


Love you lots

xx Kat

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