The train

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Imagine you are dating Joe long enough to visit your parents. You are going to travel by train.

In the train

"Joe? Are you okay?" Joe seemed a little bit nervous.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

"Babe don't worry. They will like you." I gave him a kiss on a cheek.

"Sorry is here a free seat?" An old lady asked me.

"Of course. " I smiled at her. She gave me a smile back and she sit in front of me and Joe.

"Y/n what if they don't."

"It will not change anything I love you okay? And my parents will love you too." I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Joe's POV:

She was so cute when she put her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I wrapped my hand around her and watched the world outside of the train.

A couple minutes after the controller came. I paid for both of us and get back to y/n. I gave her a kiss on a head, she moved slowly, but she got back to sleep. I started to draw circles on her arm. I could feel how she smiled.

Your POV:

I was so tired, so I fell asleep on Joe's shoulder. I love the feeling of the warmth of his body. I feel save with him.

"Babe wake up. We are almost here." Joe gave me a kiss on forehead.

"Hi." I said with my eyes half open. I stretched a little bit and in the flash the train started to stunt. I got my handbag and Joe took our rucksack.

When we were up to go out of the train the old lady grabbed my hand.

"You are lucky to have him. He is such a gentleman." She said with a smile on her face.

"I know. Thank you."

"C'mon babe we need to go." Joe cut my conversation with the lady.

"Again thanks. Bye." I quickly said to the lady and left the train.

We were on the station and Joe asked me: "what did she said to you?"

"Nothing much. Just that I am lucky to have you. And that you are such a gentleman."

"I'm trying." He gave me a big smirk and he grabbes my hand. I smiled like an idiot, but lucky idiot and in the flash I felt his soft lips on mine.

Hope you liked it. I had this imagine in my mind such a long time so here you go.

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