Just a mood? *part 3*

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First of just look at the picture. JUST LOOK AT IT!!! Fucking perfect. Honestly I stopped breathing when I saw this. 😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰 someone send help..

Also everyone who is meeting Joe at the book tour enjoy the moment 😭😭

Okay so move on to the imagine 🔥

After 5 months

You came to you apartment. Your boyfriend was lying in bed, just in his sweatpants, half asleep. You looked at him, at his body, hair, eyes.. But you didn't feel the same way.

You quietly closed the door and, trying to not wake him up, went to the kitchen. It was around 10pm but you still didn't eat anything so you opened the fridge and pick out some salad.

"Hey. Are you home already?" Your boyfriend started to talk.

"Hey babe. Yeah I will go to sleep in a minute." You started to check your social medias.

*user ThatcherJoe uploaded new video: "Leaving YouTube"*

You quickly played the video. You never ever thought that Joe would ever leave YouTube. NO! It cannot be true.

"Hey guys.. I'm about to tell you that I am leaving. I .. I.. I didn't want to do it at first but I have no other option. 5 months ago I lost all my inspiration. I don't have anyone who would support me as much as the one and only person in my life did. She is now gone. I don't know where but I still miss her. I still don't know what I did. I know I did something. She left me just the letter...
Y/n if you are watching this, you probably not but, I want to tell you that I don't care what you did. I love you. You will never understand how much I do. Whatever you did it's the history. It's doesn't matter. I know you won't come back, I just wanted you to know that. I hope you will have the amazing life because you ate amazing and anyone would be such a dick if he won't treat you right.
Hope you guys will understand me. I also know that you will be mad as fuck but I can't do this without the right person by my side. I know she won't come back so this is the only option.
I love you guys. Bye.. "

I left my mouth open for about a minute. Then I realised that Joe was talking about me and about what I mean to him.

"I have to go." I quickly said to my bf and as fast I could I left the apartment.

*skip to the Joe's*

I stood in front of Joe's door. I was so nervous, I bit my lip all the way here and it nearly bleeded. I knocked at the door. Once. Twice. And then I just kept knocking.

The door opened and in front of me stood Joe with his mouth open.

I didn't know what to say so I came closer and hugged him tightly. I felt his heartbeat slowing down and he was calming down slowly.

"I'm sorry." I whispered with tear in my eye.

Want to know what will happen next?

Part 4 coming soon 💚

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