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You and Joe are regular friends.

Y/n's POV

I stood in front of the front door of Zoe's. I felt terrible. Feeling so alone and down is the worst feeling you can know. Tears fell from my eyes and I didn't know where to go. I stood there for about 5 minutes when I finally knocked. Not long after someone opened the door.

"Y/n!" Zoe said smiling but when she saw me her smile went down and disappeared.

"Zoe... I'm sorry I don't wanna bother you I just.. I just need a hug." I said tears still streaming down my cheeks.

"Oh y/n what happened." She pulled me into a big tight hug.

"I don't.. Really know. I just feel alone and so down at the moment."

"Oh sweetheart. Come in." Zoe let me in and closed the door behind.
"Joe! Make y/n some cocoa!" She yelled at the kitchen.

"Oh .. Is Joe here? I .. I gonna go I don't want to bother you two." I turned to leave but someone turned me back by grabbing my hand.

"No it's fine." It was Joe. By the time Zoe went to make the cocoa instead of Joe.
I looked at him and saw happiness.

"What happened? Tell me." We went to the living room and sat down on a sofa.

"I don't know Joe. I just .. Feel alone and down. It happens quite a lot this time." Another tear escaped my eye. But when it wanted to fall on the ground Joe's finger brushed it off.

"Please don't cry." He pulled me into a hug I needed so much.

"Joe can you please help me?" Zoe said from the kitchen. I pulled away but then I felt someone's lips on mine. Just for a second. Joe hurryingly pulled away and went to help Zoe.

I stayed there in shock. I quite liked it but I've never felt anything to Joe. He was just a regular friend. Then Zoe came from the kitchen and held me my cocoa.

"Just like you love it." She said.

"Thank you Zoe. I really appreciate that." I looked at her but then I just left my eyes on Joe behind her. He was looking too.


I finished my cocoa and told them everything. I sat in the middle of Joe and Zoe but my eyes were only at Zoe's side. Joe was sitting further but still close.

Zoe grabbed the empty mug and went to wash it. Finally the moment when I could look at Joe.  He was looking down at the floor playing with his fingers.

"Why did you do that?" I moved closer to him.

"I'm just gonna say it. I like you a lot. And when I saw you crying I felt like I have to kiss you. I didn't know how would you feel about that but I didn't care." He didn't look up. No only for a second.

"Joe? Look at me." He finally looked but just with a half of his eye.

My hand moved closer to his neck. I touched his skin and felt cold went down my spine. And kissed. Kissed his lips. He didn't move away, he pulled me closer and his hand rested on my thigh.

"Look at these two." We heard someone whisper. Zoe. Of course she would be 'aww'ing.

Joe quickly pulled away and went red.

"Sorry I.. " he started.

"Do not! Apologise. I'm.. I'm just gonna go okay? You two just.. Continue." Zoe said turning to leave with a little laugh. "And please don't mess my room. Joe you better take y/n home." She laugh and left.

So did i, and Joe went even more red. I smiled at him and took his hand into mine.

"It's fine. So.. You like me?" I looked into his deep blue eyes. He took my other hand and stood me up.

"Come with me and you'll see." He smiled and kissed my lips again.

Let's say that that night you felt a lot better.

You dirty mined can think of whatever you want 😂 no I didn't mean any that kind of thing. Just cuddles and kisses..okay maybe something more 😂


Guys where did the activity go?? Come on let's bring it back.

Comment if you are dirty minded like me or not. 😂

Love you guys 💙💙

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