Joe vs. Caspar

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"Hey guys." I said to my camera, "today I'm.." Joe laughed. Next to him sat Caspar who was laughing too. "Guys pleeeeease."

"okay okay. We're done. Film the intro." Caspar said with a serious face.

"Thank you." I was annoyed of them. "Hey everyone. Today I'm joining.." Caspar couldn't keep the serious face and burnst into a laughter. Joe did so. They both laid down on bed and laughed so hard.

"Oh come on boysss!" I yelled to the air. I kept staring to the camera while they were still laughing on I don't know what.

"Babe pleaseee." I hit Joe to his stomach. His rolled from bed on the floor and stayed on place.

"Joe! Stop being such a dick. I want to film."

"Joe! Caspar!" They both didn't stop doing shit.

"Hey guys." I waved to the camera. "Today I'm joining with these two idiots." I pointed my fingers at them. They immediately sat down and gave me 'we're no idiots' look.

"Fiiine I have your attention. Good. What we're gonna do today Caspar?" I asked him.

"I dunno?.. Something like Q&A?"

"Yeah. Kind of. Today's video is going to be Boyfriend vs. Best Friend Challenge/TAG."

"No way! Am I?" Caspar yelled.

"No you are not but my best friend is busy so you are the other option." I said sarcastically.

"Oh okay." He said sadly a Joe laughed.

"Come here mate! You will always be MY best friend." Joe hugged Caspar and the word 'my' put out.

"Okay okay. Let's get started, shall we?"

"We can start easy. What is my favourite colour?"

Boys started to write the answer.

"On three okay? One, two, three!" They turned the paper. You looked at both of them and nodded.
Caspar's paper said green and Joe's blue. (Or any other colours you like)

"You're both right. These are my two favourites. Next question. When did I started my YouTube channel?"

"Whole date?" Joe asked with big eyes and opened mouth.

"You should know Joe. But you can write just year and extra point will be for month."

"Fuck.. "

"What did you just said Joe. I didn't hear you." I smiled.

"Nothing love. Just that I am terrible boyfriend already."

"That's okay. If Caspar will win I can date him instead of you. Right Caspar?"

"Yea. Yeah I mean.. Why not." Caspar looked confused but got my point and played the game with me.

"We will go to the park, holding hands, feeding pigeons, laughing at Caspar's jokes.. And stuff." I added.

"You better win mate." Caspar winked at Joe who just roles his eyes. Probably he got my point too.

"So what did you guys wrote?"

"I have 2011." Caspar said.

"I have 2012 in June." Joe said with hope.

"And that right Joe! But not in June. It was August" I laughed as Joe laid down and yelled 'yes' over and over again.

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