Just a mood? *part 4*

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The song is just perfect for this.. Kind of ... Please read the note at the end 💞

Joe's POV

She hugged me so tightly and I didn't want to let go ever again. I missed her so much. I didn't even live like before without her.
After a few seconds she pulled back and looked at me.

"Joe... I saw .. The.. Video.." She said between sobs.

"Y/n I love you. I can't be without you. Please," I reached for her hand, "come back to me." Our hands touched and I felt what I used to. The passion, the love, the warmth, the secure.

But she looked down at her feet.

"I can't Joe. I am so sorry." the tears started to fall down from her and also my cheek. How can she say that?


"Because I am living with someone Joe." Her hand left mine and she stepped back.

"Pleas... " I didn't finish she cut me off with her lips. She kissed me, for a second but she did. And I loved it. I missed it.

She pulled of and the tear fell from her eye. She closed her beautiful y/e/c eyes and took a breath to say one simple thing.

"Bye Joe."

"No!.." I grinded. "Please y/n don't leave me again." I sobbed and watched her leaving. I fell on my knees trying to not broke. I was already broken. Only y/n could fix me. But she left.

Y/n's POV

I ran away from Joe's house. I could barely see the road between my tears.

I love him so much. I always will. But I can't go back after what I did. I just can't.

I stopped running in front of my apartment. I cleaned my face a bit a walked in.

My boyfriend was still in bed waiting.

"Where have you been?" He asked after he saw me.

"Just outside. I needed to.."

"Did you cry?"

"No.. " I looked down.

"You were at his house right?! What I said about him?" He started to get angry. He doesn't like Joe. He hates him.

"I know I am sorry I needed to.."

"No!!!" He stood up. "What is more important that me?"
I gobble up. He came closer and showed me his hand.

"You know what I can do."

He punched me some times before. I don't know why I am still with him. I didn't love him or just feel anything to him. I needed to fill the hole in my heart after Joe.

"Shut up okay?!!" I shouted and in the flash I felt his hand on my cheek. A small tear started to come out but I didn't let it fall. I stayed strong and looked at his eyes.

"I AM LEAVING!" I turned but he got me back by grabbing my hand.

Hey guys! Hope you liked it I didn't really know why I started it like this but fine.. I will figure it out somehow 😁

Part 5 will be probably the last so prepare yourself to find out what YOU did!! 👌

Also we are so close to 1k and I am so happy about it. In one night we hit 113 reads and it just makes me so happy. Thank you. I am glad you like my little thoughts 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

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