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You and Joe are not dating.

Y/f/n = your friend's name

"I don't think I should y/f/n." You said put another tot of vodka away.

"Oh come on. Don't be silly." Y/f/n said half drunk.

"No. We should go. You can't even stand on your own legs."

"I can!"

"Okay I'm leaving then." I said going to the bar. I had some tots in, but I wasn't that drunk.

"What can I buy for young lady?" I heard familiar voice said. I turned and saw Joe - one of my friends.

"Hey there." I said annoyed and turned back to bar.

"What is going on? What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with y/f/n. You know I hate this clubs and she just broken up with Kevin and needed to go out." I explained.

"You should call. I would come with you."

"No it's fine. Wait! But you are here."

"Uhmmm. I came with.. Oli." He scratched his neck.

"Then why you seem so nervous?" I smiled. I felt butterflies when he smiled back. Why? It has never happened before. Why now?

"Can I buy you something?" He cut me from my thoughts.

"Sure. And where's Oli?" I looked around.

"Umm I think he is enjoying the attention with some girl." He laughed and buy us a drink.

"Cheers!" He said.

"Cheers." I drank it at once and Joe bought us another one.

"Are you trying to make me drunk or what?" I asked. Now I was total mess.

"I think you already are. We should go." He took my hand and we walked out of the club.

"Joe please I don't want to gooooo."

"Y/n you had enough!" He raise his voice.

"Why are you yelling?" I asked now soberer (the fuck? That is not a word) than ever.
I looked him in the eyes. He didn't seem angry, he seemed happy.

"I had to calm you down somehow." He rubbed my chin  with his thumb.

"Don't ever EVER do this again." I smiled and hit him on a chest.

"Okay let's go."

I couldn't go in a straight line. Neither could Joe. So we just walked zig zag down the street to Joe's. My flat was on the other side of the town so Joe offered my to stay at his. I didn't mind because as everyone can tell: I was a mess.

*skip to Joe's*

"Here." Joe handed me his shirt.

"Thanks." I said in a sleepy voice.

"Take your time." Joe closed the door behind me and I stood in the middle of his room. I turned around. It was so nice. Calming.

I got changed and I walked out of the room.

"Joe?" I slowly came to the living room and saw Joe lying on the sofa.

"Joe. Wake up." I whispered. Joe rushed a bit and stood up.

"You can sleep on my bed. I can sleep here." His hand went through his hair.

"But.. You don't have to. Just come with me I don't want to be alone." I yawned.

"Whatever you want." He smiled and took me bridal style to the bed.

We laid separate directions and I fell asleep really quickly.

I woke up in the middle of the night hearing a toilet flashing. I looked at the door and saw Joe.

"What happened?" I sat as I asked.

"I poke a bit." He laid back and I just stared at his face. His eyes were wide open and his chest was moving up and down. Suddenly he looked at me and my eyes went their way down.

"Y/n? Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure."

"Can I.. Can I kiss you?" He didn't move, he just looked at me.


"We are drunk right? We don't have to remember, nobody have to know." He sat and faced me.

"I mean.. Okay?" I felt his hand on mine and his face slowly moving closer. Suddenly I felt his lips on mine.
I pulled away and we laid on the bed again. My head was resting on his chest and my eyes were closed.

"I love you." I whispered. That were the last words of the night.

So I hope you guys liked it. This part you requested the most so I wrote that. I would love to write Interview w/ youtubers because I really love my idea of it.

Let me know what you think.

(Inspired by me at the party 😂) 

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