Tease *part 2*

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Y/n was cooking some lunch just in my 'metallica' t-shirt. One of her favourite songs was playing on Spotify as she just leaned side to side quietly singing along. I was sitting on the sofa doing some editing. When the chorus started I couldn't help but sing it with her. She was beautiful and her singing was amazing. She thinks she can't sing but that is bullshit. (Haha you wish Joe)

I stood up and walked up to her. I wrapped my hands around her and she leaned against my chest still cooking. I started to leave small kisses on her neck. She leaned her head on a side a bit. My hands went down her waists under the shirt.

"Joe you can cook it yourself." She said.

"Ahh no.. You can keep cooking." I smirked as she stopped and held my hands behind her back.

"Stop teasing Joe. She left my hands and got back to cooking.

"Ohh okay you won this one." I said with a sad face.

So here is a part 2!

I decided to write short parts and make it "Tease series" 👀

Hope you liked this little one written in school/train 😂

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