Just a mood? *part 2*

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I woke up really early with Joe's hand still on my waist. I felt his breath at the back of my neck. I slowly turned to see if he is sleeping. He was. Quietly I put down his hand and slowly, trying to not wake him up, got up from the bed. I look at sleeping Joe.

What fuck is wrong with me?!! Why I did that to him?
I asked myself all these questions all the way to the shower. After shower my steps moved to the closet, from there I put out all my clothes and put them into the suitcase. I changed from my pyjamas, I wore pink hoodie, black jeans and white converse.

I don't know what it was but I needed to get out right now. I mean I love Joe so much but kind of don't feel that that much like before. (Again my explaining is on point 👍) the last thing I had to do before leaving Joe's was to write him a letter.

Dear Joe,

I don't know what happened to me. I don't even know how I am feeling. I love you Joe but I need to go. It's hard.

You gave me everything I've always needed, everything I've wanted. You were always here for me. You always let your job just to make me smile.

I feel different now. I did something that changed me but loving you will be always the strongest thing I have ever felt.

I will love you forever and ever.

Love, y/n

I wrote that with tears in my eyes. I didn't wanted to leave this sleeping beauty. This boy who always made me laugh. I miss him. But he didn't do anything wrong. I did.

Part 3?

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