message to Troye

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@troyesivan you've been trough amzing things. They've been hard some of them easy. You did and still doing a great job. I haven't been here from the begging of your youtube. I know you full time a year but when i heard your Talk me down the first time i knew you will be my favourite no matter what. You've been there when i needed someone to understand me, when i was alone just by myself, when i didn't know what to do anymore. Thank you for being here for me. Thank you for being such an inspiring person, thank you for everything you've done to me and how you changed me. I miss someone everyday, every second in my life and you're kinda filling the hole that is here. Thank you for helping me understand other opinions, other people and other choices that people make. I hope i will tell you all of this oneday eye to eye.

Boy i don't understand how can one person who you don't even know change you so much.

You will always be here. 💙 in my heart filling the hole that is left here. I know there will be much more pain but by now i only know this one and it will be always the biggest one.. 💙

Sending every my kiss every my smile every my tear to you 💙

Love Kat from country nobody knows.. Slovakia

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