The dancer *final part*

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The guy sat on a cough and with drunk voice said. "You aaarre soooo hot.. "

"Thanks." I replied and sent the tall guy out of the room. He didn't want to go but when i looked at him with this kind of "wanttokillyou" look he left.

You slowly closed the door and looked at the guy. "So .. What is your name again?"

"Joe" he said nice.

"Okay. Joe." i started to undress. "I guess this will be your first dance right." i bit my lip.

He looked down and his cheeks started to turn red. You went to the radio and pressed play. The music was slow and not that loud. The lights went down and the atmosphere was perfect.

"It's okay." you sat on his lap and started to move slowly.

Okay guys i'm not going to write every move so you just imagine

When you were done you sat next to him. He couldn't stop staring at you. So did you. He was different then others. In the flash he put his hand on yours. You looked down and up again to see him pulling you closer and closer. You two had centimeters between you.

"I.." you started, "I .. Joe I guess I like you.. Kind of...... "

He stopped me with putting his lips on mine. I mean I kissed guys before when you did the dance but it had never been like this. The passion. The moves. The atmosphere. Perfect.

But the doors opened and ruined the moment. In the doors stood the tall guy even more drunk.

"Joe .. Dude you were here for an hour we need.. To.. Go.." he almost fell down.
Joe stood up and was up to leave.

"Joe!" you shouted, "you forgot your jacket."

He took his jacket from your hands and gave you a wink with the most beautiful smile you have ever seen. Then he left.

Yaay.. The another part. I really enjoy writing this imagines so i need to know if you enjoy reading them 💚

If you did enjoy give 🌟 or write a 💬

Love you lots 💚

Joe Sugg - ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now