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You and Joe are married

I felt really nervous. Joe wasn't home and I needed to tell him news. We were expecting a baby. I didn't know how he will react because we didn't plan it. It just happened.
I was walking around our house and practising how to tell him. I was afraid.

*Joe came home*

"Hello beautiful. How was your day?" He came to me with the most beautiful smile.

"Yeah good. Yours?" I replied.

"Babe what is going on." He worried.

"I.. I have something important to tell you."

"Yes go on."

"I mean I don't know how you will react and.."

"Y/n come on. Anything important you need to tell me just tell. I will help you okay? Don't worry. If you are not pregnant it's.. " I looked at my feet and I bit my lip.

"Wait! Are you?" Joe seemed really surprised and he didn't know what to say.

"You are! Are you joking? Y/n! That's amazing!" He smiled and I was shocked.

"You are happy?" I asked with half of the smile on my face.

"Of course I am. That's why I married you. Of course I want to have family with you." He held my hands.

"I was just worried it's too early and that we didn't plan .."

"It doesn't matter if we planned it or not. Family is family. I love you." He put his hands on my waists and started to rub my belly with his thumb. "And I love you too little one. "

I smiled as he said that.


We laid on the bed that night. Joe was behind me and his hand was on my waist. I felt his calm heartbeat on my back. Joe's hand slowly moved it's way on my belly. I felt Joe wanted to pull me closer to him but didn't.

"Joe you can't hurt the baby." I laughed.

"I know I'm just too afraid." He said and moved closer to me. I just smiled at the vision of me and Joe having family.


We laid on the bed. Joe's hand was on my waist and I felt his heartbeat on my back. My eyes were closed and I just listened to the quiet. In the flash the door to our bedroom opened and next to me laid our son.

"Hey .. What happened? Bad dream?" I asked while he was getting under the blanket.

"Mommy?" He said with the cutest voice.

"Yes sweetheart. I'm here it's okay." I rubbed his back and he buried his head into my chest.

"I dreamed about you and daddy not being. I was alone home."

"That's never gonna happen. Okay? I love your daddy and we love you. We are never gonna leave you." I kissed him on the head and looked slightly at Joe.

He gave me a smile back and made a space for our son to lay between us.

"Come here big boy." Joe said taking him and putting him in the middle.

"Daddy? How much do you love mommy?"

"You can't understand it now. You have to find a girl that you will treat like a queen and love her. Like I do mommy." Joe explained looking at him and then on me.

"Okay. I will daddy I promise." I smiled at the vision of our son getting girlfriend and loving her with all of his heart. Then getting married and having kids. I just want for him a great life.

Our son fell asleep between us two. We just stared at each other.

"Are you thinking about what I am thinking about?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"About your beautiful smile that day I asked you to marry me and you saying yes, of you telling me that I will be a father, of our son saying his first word 'mom' and then 'dad', of you two playing on a sofa and me watching you and relising how perfect you are."

"I think about how lucky we are." I said simply.

"Isn't it the same?" Joe smiled and leaned to kiss me.

Then I just felt another kiss on my head and hand on my waist. I fell asleep with the most amazing men I could ever imagine.

Hope you liked this a little bit different part. It came to my mind on Monday I would like to say and I just couldn't left it behind.

| question time |

"Where are you guys from?"

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