Surprise *final part*

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You became even more shocked than before. In Joe's hands was a little grey kitten. You always wanted a grey kitten. (If you like dogs more than cats it could be a dog)

Now the tears were running down your face. The tears of happiness. Joe came to you and gave you the kitten.

Happy birthday babe. - he said with kissing me.

I... I .. I don't know what to say Joe. Thank you soo much. - i smiled at him and he gave me a smile back.

This is Christa. She is working with cats/dogs so i called her and we did all this thing for you. So thank you Christa. - he turned at her.

No problem. I am glad that you like the kitten. I will go than. Bye. - and she walked away.

Joe i am so sorry. I thought you were cheating. - you hugged him.

Y/n! You got jealous! - he laughed at me.

Joe I am serious. I am trying to apologise.

I know. It's okay. - he said and kissed me.

Urh... Keep it pleaseee! - Caspar felt like third wheel again.

Now Caspar is getting jealous! Want a kiss too? - I laughted and gave Caspar a kiss on cheek.

That was actually good. Do it again? - Caspar always did that.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at the kitten.

What is it's name? - I asked and gave it a kiss.

I don't know. You choose. - Joe said.

I don't knoooow. It's hard to choose a name. Is it a girl or a boy?

It's a boy.

So .. It could be Joe 😂 no.. Maybe Grey? - looked up and saw Joe's smirk. But he nodded.

Later that day

It was around 11pm and the kitten started to be sleepy.
I put Grey to the corner where Joe put some blanket. He was so cute with Grey in the arms. I smiled staring at him.

What? - he asked after putting Grey on the blanket.


Y/n c'mon! - grabbed my waists and laid on the bed. I sat across him and start playing with his fingers.

I love you. - Joe said after a while. I just smiled.

Come here you weirdo. - he sits and kissed me passionately. I felt the warmth of his body.

I love you too. - I said after pulling him away.

Next hour we cuddled and finally feel asleep.

Hey guys. 😊

Hope you liked this short one. I will start school tomorrow so probably I will not have that much time but I will try to write as many as possible and write a little bit longer ones.

Let me know if you want short or long imagines.

Requests are open!!

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