Picture imagine #4

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You are in a hospital. You are pregnant with a baby but you don't want Joe to know what it will be.

But Joe being him is not gonna accept it. So he keeps sending you snapchats, but one day he sent you this:

 So he keeps sending you snapchats, but one day he sent you this:

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"I don't care what it will be

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"I don't care what it will be. Boy or girl. I will love the baby as much as I love you."

I don't know where in my head this turned up but here you go.. Roast me 😂😂 (pls don't)

Leave me some request .. I have a smut imagine ready in my head but I'm so lazy to write it so let me know if you want it (10stars and I will write it)

Joe Sugg - ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now