Just a mood? *part 1*

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Joe's POV

I had a long meeting today. I was so tired but the only thing that kept me going home and not just lay on the street was y/n. I really wanted to see her face, to kiss her.

When I was finally on my way home I texted y/n.

Joe: hey I am on my way.

But she didn't answer. I thought that she is maybe asleep already. It was 11pm. Of course she is asleep.

I quietly opened the door and came in. I saw y/n sitting in front of TV watching some series.

"Hey babe I'm home." I came to her waiting for her to stand up. Nothing.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.. Just... I don't know. It's just the mood I guess." She finally replied and kissed me slightly. I needed that. But there was something wrong. The kiss wasn't like the kiss from your beautiful girlfriend. There was no passion. No anything. It was just kiss for a friend. I was standing there in silence. Y/n was still watching a series so I decided to let it go and have a quick shower.

*skip to after shower*

I was ready to sleep. So y/n was. She looked so tired.

"Y/n come sleep. It's late."

She just nodded. Nothing else. Just the nod. I was confused. There was definitely something wrong. I laid to the bed and made a space for y/n. When she laid next to me I came closer and put my hand on her waist.
(Sorry I am really bad in explaining. If you don't understand, you basically lay with your back turned to Joe.)

"Y/n? What I did?" I had to ask.


"Then what is wrong? What happened? Period?"

"Joe shut the fuck up!" She pushed me away from her.

"I'm sorry." I came closer to her again and put my hand on her waist again. She didn't push me away so I was fine.

"Good night. I love you." I said quietly and kissed her on a head.

"Good night .. Joe"

I think I should stop it here.

Part 2 coming soon 💛💙💚 also happy birthday Connor

Leave me some requests in the comments

Xx Kat 💞

Joe Sugg - ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now