Request for Ellie

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Requested by @Elliemaree25

Hope you will like it

Caspar's POV:

I was sitting on a sofa next to Joe and Ellie while watching some Netflix movie. She was lying on Joe's chest and Joe was making circles on her's back. They were both really into a movie so they didn't notice that I got a little bit bored by the movie. So I took my phone and I started to scroll through the social medias. First I opened Snapchat and took one of these two cuties.

Next I went on Twitter and I posted that picture on Twitter too with a caption: "they didn't move for an hour :("

"Guys I will go to sleep. I got a little bit tired." I said after shutting my phone.

"Okay Casp. Good night." Ellie said to me with her lovely voice.

"Night mate." Joe waved me and they got back to the movie.

Ellie's POV

We laid there until the movie ended. It wasn't so long but my eyes kept closing so I stood up.

"I will go too." I kissed him and walked out of the room.

"I will have a quick shower and will come too." He smiled.

I took my phone and laid in bed. I started checking my social medias as I found picture of my and Joe on Caspar's Snapchat. First I thought 'yay we look cute' but then I found the same picture on Twitter. Caspar is always taking pictures of us but it always has but. There are some fans that support us but there are some of them that hate us. Like they are making photoshops of me where my head is big as fuck or small. And some other things. I told Caspar to not do it but he still keep doing it. I'm sick of this.

"Caspar!" I rushed to his room.

"Whoooaa. What?"

"Why are you keep doing this?"

"What do you mean? Doing what?"

"You know what Caspar! I asked you to not take pictures of me and Joe but you keep doing it. Sometimes is okay because I know what you are doing, but I'm sick of this. The fans keep doing the Photoshop stuff and it's not the best feeling."

"I'm sorry. I just.. " I cut him off.

"No Caspar it is too much! I cannot handle it anymore." I nearly start crying.

"Ellie.. What is going on?" Joe came to the room.

"Nothing.. Caspar will tell you. I am leaving."

"Wait! Ellie! I am so sorry .." Caspar shouted after I left the room and started to pack some nessesery.

Caspar's POV

"What the hell mate? What happened?" Joe asked me. And in the flash Ellie closed the door to the house.

"I am sorry okay? I know it's hurting her someway but I can't help myself. I just have to take pictures of you two. I.." Joe cut me off.

"What? What pictures?"

"You'll understand. But I have never felt what you two are feeling and I just want to show it to the world that something that beautiful still exists." I was about to cry. I really wanted someone by my side like Ellie, who will support me and love me for who I am.

"Casp. I didn't know how you feel about this. Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I just didn't know how Joe. I.. I.." Now my tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"Caspar! Please you are a big boy and big boy don't cry." Joe started joking and that mede me smile a bit.

"I will text her okay? She will come and everything will be fine."

"Okay. Thanks mate."


Joe: Ellie please come back. I talked to Caspar and we want to talk to you about that. Please come back.

Ellie: Joe I am sick of this. I talked about it with Caspar and he always said that he will stop but he actually never does!

Joe: you didn't hear what I did. Please he will explain.

Ellie: Joe why? He won't stop. I am not going to come back if he will keep doing it.

Joe: I get it. Please come. For me..


After 10 minutes we heard the front door open and in stood Ellie. Me and Joe were standing there looking at her.

"Go on or I am leaving." She said with sad but still little bit angry voice.

"Okay. Caspar. It's all on you." Joe put his hand on my shoulder.

I started to explain this to Ellie as her face was sometime angry, other time really calm and at the end she started smiling.

"I am so sorry Ellie for all this misunderstanding." She cut me off with a bone crushing hug. I hugged her tightly but not too much.

"Ergmm.. " I heard Joe at that back.

"Sorry." I unhugged Ellie and smiled at her again.

"Awwww little Joe is jealous or something?" Ellie said with a smirk. "You're cute when you are angry." I started laughing.

"Ellie don't make me do something I don't want to do." Joe came close to her and they kept eye contact.

"What if I would like it?" She replied.

"Errghh.. Keep it pleeease." I came between them and pushed them away from each other.

"Caspar .. C'mon. Don't be jealous. I know you want it too." Ellie said to me.

"Eww. Doing it with you two? Are you joking? Never!" The sarcasm fill the room.

All of us started laughing and went to the kitchen.

"Ellie? So we are good?" I asked her one last time.

"Of course. I am sorry for being mad at you. It's not your fault that people are making fun of me."

"Kinda it is my fault. But I don't want to break our friendship just because of some shit like this."

"Me neither." She said with putting a kiss on my cheek. She blushed a bit and walked out of the room.

"Don't try anything mate." Joe said with laughter in his voice.

"Shut up."

"Good night mate. And thank you." I said and walked to my room falling asleep.

I knoooow. I am sorry. I tried to figure something out and my fingers just keep running on my keyboard I don't even know what I wrote but I really hope you liked it Ellie. 💚

It was my first request imagine so don't be mad at me if it's not good.. 😂 whatever

Don't forget to vote or comment and leave me some other requests.

Love you 💚💚

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