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Y/n's POV

Snow was flying around as me and Joe were walking hand in hand around the streets of London. It was freazing but as Joe held my hand i felt warmer.  The warmth went through my whole body and all i could feel in this moment was happiness.

Joe's POV

I looked at y/n as we walked around a park in London. She shook a bit so i wrapped my arm around her to keep her more warmer.

"Thank you." she pecked me on a cheek.

"Anytime." i replied.

I had a special surprise for her. We've been together for almost 2 years so i decided to make it as official as possible. (bullshit but yeah, let's pretend) We came to a Tower Bridge and she looked at me with not understanding face.

"Wh-Why are we here?" she asked as i put out from my pocket a black marker and padlock.

"It would be honour to me if you would sign this padlock and hang it on this bridge forever." i said and hand her a marker and a padlock.

"Oh Joe. You are amazing. Here was our first official date!"

"Yeah i know and soon it will be 2 years so.. Take it as an early anniversary present." she couldn't stop smiling. Oh gosh! How much i love that smile.

She took the padlock and with her beautiful handwriting she wrote: (your name's first letter) + J and all that she put into a heart. I also hand her a key to lock it onto the bridge.

Night London lit our faces and we just stared at the padlock happily hanging on the bridge. There was no other padlock. It was our special place. Our little secret to not share with anyone.

She laid her head on my shoulder still holding my hand

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She laid her head on my shoulder still holding my hand. She wore gloves but i could feel her warmth through them as if there were no gloves. My hands were freazing but i tried to not give it a chance to ruin our secret moment.

"Oh my God Joe! You're actually freazing." i didn't even realise when she looked at me.

"Babe come on let's take you a coffee." she took both of my hands into her's and rubbed it a bit.

"Thank you. I love you." I leaned closer to connect our lips. She kissed me back. Her lips were cold but still sweet as i remebered from the day i first kissed her. The best choice i could ever made.

Hope you liked this little Christamasy themed part. I was just too lazy to write it sooner. I'm sorryyyyy.

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I also want to write some Christmas imagines so leave me some recquests!! I mean like really!! Beacause i want you guys to read what you want so please. SEND ME PICTURE, SENTENCE, WHOLE RECQUEST.. SOMETHING !

Hope you have an amazing day ♥ Love you lots

Joe Sugg - ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now