Regular? - SMUT

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As i promised. Here you go.


My best friend Jack (yeah the Maynard one) has a birthday party at his house. There also were my friend Zoe and her brother Joe, Conor, Alfie, Marcus, Stefanie and Caspar. We were friends since 6th grade and became best friends.

"Hi y/n!! I haven't seen you a couple of minutes. How have you been?" Jack joked as i turned up at his.

"I've been amazing Jack." i hugged him and went to get a drink.

"Oh hey y/n." i heard a familiar voice behind my back. I turned around a saw Joe.

"Hey Joe. What's up?"

"Nothing much. You?"

"Same. A lot of work and less sleep." we sat on a sofa together and chatted a bit.

The music became louder.


"Yeah Joe?" i sat closer to him to hear him clearly.
I felt our arm brush on each others and soft lips pressed on mine. I didn't move away i kissed him back but just once when i relised what is happening. I pulled away in a right moment because Caspar came to the room calling my name.

"Here you are!" he smiled and pinted on me. "Zoe wants you in the kitchen."

"Yeah right." i looked at Joe who bit his lips and went to the centre of the party with Caspar and other boys."


"Zoe?" i called at her.

"Im here." i saw her in the corner looking at boys dancing.

"Caspar said you wanted something from me."

"Oh yes. I just needed to tell you something."

"Okay? What is it?" i was a bit scared of what she wanted to tell me.

"Umm. I dont know if i should tell you this but.. I feel like you need to talk to Joe. He seems like he likes you. A lot."

"Oh.. Really? I've never noticed." i lied because it was quite obvious when he kissed me.

"Yeah.. You should talk to him about that. Do you feel the same?" she asked.

"Umm. I mean he's nice. But .. Zoe.. It's your brother i don't want it to be weird or anything."

"No y/n it's complitely fine if you like him. Go talk to him."

"I can do that.." i bit my lip knowng that i havent had enough.

I went out of the kitchen and looked for Joe. Finally found him talking to Jack .

"Jack? Can i borrow Joe for a minute?" i didn't wait for an answer i just held his hand and we ended up outside.

"Sooo. Dont you want to tell me something?" i asked him looking at my feet and then into his blue eyes.

"Me? I ... "

"Nevermind." i stood closer to him and pressed my lips on his. His hands went on my waists and pulled me closer.

I pulled away and held his hand directing him to the uber i called for before i found Joe.

"Come with me." i whispered and sat into the uber.
I told where we wanted to go and the driver started to drive. The whole time me and Joe were separated on the opposite sides of the uber, until we got in front of my apartment.

He locked his finger with mine as he stepped closer. Our bodies were touching with their every inch. He kissed my neck and his left hand was running up and down my thigh. Everything felt slowmotion. He left my neck moving up to my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. His hands travelled on my bum making me jump and wrapped my legs on his torso. He carried me to my bedroom and slowly put me on my bed, his lips still locked with mine.
My hand went to his shirt, wanting it off. He quickly undressed it and moved to my shirt. In seconds, our clothes were all around the floor. I was left only in my bra and panties as Joe was in his boxers. I looked up and down his toned body.

"You like it?" he asked with a smirk.

"More than that." i replied and bit my bottom lip lifting myself to connect our lips again. As i did that i felt something not usual on my thigh moving closer to my area. I moaned into joes lips. He smiled and rubbed my clit with his thumb through the fabric. I squeezed the bedsheets. Joe knew what to do next. He slowly pulled off my panties looking me up and down. My knees locked together in reflex but Joe stroked them to make me relax. His finger rubbed my clot on more time before entering. I moaned lifting my chest. His finger was discovering the unknown place giving me so much pleasure. I felt his lifting and kissing my neck leaving marks all around it. In seconds he left my area and quickly moving his head down.

"Oh fuck." I knew what was coming.

His tongue entered the area licking everything that has left. I felt myself coming to the end.


"Yeah I know." He said after he left my area. He kissed me to let me know the taste of mine.

"Wait.. Do you..?" I said under my breath before I could hear how slipping a condom on his dick.

"Ready?" He smirked at me.

As a sign of 'yes' I kissed him passionately.
He thrust into me moving his waist slowly,first. As I got used to the size he moved faster. I wrapped my legs around him to make more space for him to fuck me faster. I felt the nicest pain as he reentered the area again, this time faster. Moving my hips against his felt like heaven.

"I'm close.." I said as my nails scratches his back. I heard him moaned my name and leaving the area in the right time before we both cumed. He leaned on me and kissed me. I've never felt sweeter lips than his. He laid next to me covering us with a blanket. I rolled to face him and place my hand on his cheek kissing him.

"Mmm.. Y/n?" He said into the kiss with a deep voice.


"Can we make this regular? I don't feel like don't doing this ever again."

I smiled and placed my head on his chest, his hands wrapped around my body felt like save place for me to fall asleep.



Hope it's not that bad. 💖

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