Youtubers do q&a

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Send me requests I want to write something for you guys as we hit 10k views 👌😍😍😍😍

You and Joe are in secret relationship.

You and other youtubers were about to do a live q&a. There was big hall with seats for fans and for the youtubers (Joe, Caspar, Jack, Troye, Tyler, Tanya, Zoe and Alfie). You were kind of nervous because you've never been in front of that many of your fans face to face. You were scared what questions they will give you, or if they will give you any question. What if they didn't come to see you but other youtubers?

"Love? U alright?" Joe came from behind and rubbed your shoulders.

"Mm.. ? Yeah.. I'm .. I'm fine."

"You don't have to be scared. If you won't want to answer the question you'll just say and we will choose someone else." Joe rested his head on my shoulder and rubbed my arm up and down.

"Okay." I took a deep breath when in the flash someone called us on the stage.

We walked on it and fans started screaming our names. As I a Joe were secret we had to be separated.

The q&a went well I answered some questions as what inspires me or my favourite clothing brand.

"So and the last question... The girl in the pink sweater please." Tyler said to the mic and pointed at the girl in the crowd.

"Thank you. Hey." She blushed, " I have a question for joe." Tyler handed the mic to Joe and the girl continued. "This might seem quite rude but are you dating y/n? I'm asking because its obvious and you two don't have to be scared of it. We all love you and respect you."

"... Mm... That's nice of you. Mm.." Joe looked at me with the face 'I don't want to answer that'

In the moment someone yelled from the crowd "Joe just kiss her!"

The whole crowd turned to the girl saying that. Everyone cheered. Even Zoe made wide smile.

"Okay .. " Joe said to the mic and slowly got up. He came to me and kneeled down.

"You okay with this?" He asked.

"I guess so." I smiled as I knew a didn't want to hide it anymore. Joe leaned and pressed his lips onto mine for a second. I quickly pulled away and we heard the yelling crowd.

"(Your ship name)!"
I blushed.

"So guys that's it. That was the last question I really hope you loved it the same as we all did. See ya next time." Troye took the mic. The crowd cheered one last time as we walked off the stage.

"We did it!" Everyone cheered and we created the biggest bear hug.

"We did it." Joe whispered to my ear as his pressed a small kiss on my cheek.

I know I know. Sorry.. I was so busy with school last couple of days but I'm trying to make it work again. I have exams until 25th of January and then, hopefully, I'll post more imagines.

Anyway I really hope you liked this one

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