Hate (request) *sad ending*

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It's litteraly the sams as the happy ending but obviously i changed the end.

3 years later

Y/n's POV

Dear y/f/n
We have this honour to invite you to our wedding.

I was extremely happy as i read this. Zoe and Alfie were finally getting married.

Me and Joe broke up exactly 3 years ago to this day. The day of the wedding. After the broke up i got some messages like 'finally they broke up' and shit like that. First i was upset i didn't know why Joe broke up with me so i cried myself to sleep almost every night. He never explained. By time i got over it and became more happy in my life. Everything was perfect.

The day of the wedding

I got dressed into black dress with a cut on a back, black heals and some gold jewellery. I was so excited to see Zoe and Alfie saying their official 'yes', but i was kind of scared to meet Joe after all these years. I mean i haven't forget but i got over. He will always have a special place in my heart.

Joe's POV

I was so scared to see y/n at the wedding of my sister. I've never stopped loving her. All these days i was scrolling through her instagram, twitter and also watched her snapchats. I've spent nights looking on those hate comments and blocking people that could broke her even more. I was trying all my best to protect her from hate. I needed her to be happy. I watched her through the window of her house, she cried. Other day she smiled. I miss her smile, her touch, her kisses so bad. I love her.


"Now you can kiss the bride." Zoe and Alfie were finally married. I couldn't be more happier about seeing my sister marrying the man she love. I wish that i could marry y/n one day. I wish i could make her happy. But i can't. I can make her just heartbroken, nothing more.

Then i saw her. Her eyes were bright and full joy. She seemed so happy without me. Her black dress were sat perfectly on her body. Oh i miss that body. I just miss her so much. Then she smiled and i realised how lost i can be.

"Man you alright?" someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Oh yeah.. Yeah mate." i turned to face Jack.

"Joe i can see it. Go talk to her."

"Mate i can't. I can't make her even more heartbroken. And she didn't even noticed me." i looked down at my feet.

"Maybe she didn't but YOU definitely did and can't keep your eyes off of her. GO!" Jack pushed me to her direction.

"Jack!" i yelled through my teeth.

"Go or i will."

"I can't Jack. She looks so much happier without me. I'm.. I'm just gonna go." i left Jack alone.

"Wait! Joe! You can't be like that." i heard him yelling after me. I didn't turn, i didn't stop. I just ran and ran to nowhere.


I heard Jack screaming Joe's name. I quickly ran up to him to ask what happened. I saw Joe running away from the wedding.

"Jack what is going on?" i tapped on his shoulder.

"Y/n? You heard?"

"Just you screaming Joe's name. Where did he go?"

"I..i don't know. Listen y/n you have to talk to him. Take him back. He loves you so incredibly much. Please. He is so heartbroken."

"Jack I.. He.. He hurt me so much." i felt tears coming out because i still felt something to Joe.

"Y/n please just talk to him. Save him before he'll do some shit. I'm begging you." Jack hold my hand for a second when Zoe appeared.

"Hey guys!" she said excitingly. "You know where Joe is? He supposed to bring a champagne."

"Zoe he left. He's gone. Again." Jack said quietly.

"Wait again?!" I whisper yelled.

"Y/n please. Go talk to him." Zoe begged too.
I didn't know what was happening I just wanted Joe to be okay.


"His house. Bathroom" Zoe held my hand tight. "Please save him."

Why do I have to save him? Why is everyone telling me to save him? He left me. I should be the one saved.

I sat into my car and drove to Joe's house. It was quiet. Joe's light were all off expect one. The bathroom. I slowly walked in.

"Joe? You there?" Nothing.

"Joe!" I yelled this time and run into the bathroom.

"Oh my god Joe! What have you done?" I cried.
Joe's arm was cut and the blood was on the floor. Also there was broken a picture frame that I recognised. I gave it to him 5 years ago for our first Christmas. The picture was out in Joe's hand. Tears were streaming down my eyes.

"Please Joe down leave me. You can't. You have to tell me everything!" With tears in my eyes I pulled out my phone and called 999.

The last thing I remember were sirens and the voice of a man telling me what hospital are they going to. I didn't go. I don't know why. I should be there to love him. I shouldn't ever leave. Because when I left he left too.


I don't know if this is good. I'm not really good with writing sad imagines.

Anyways hope you liked it. 💕

Please send request, currently I have a block.

I also want to write some Christmas imagine so

10 votes for Christmas one on December 24 ❄

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