Tease *part 4* - SMUT

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A little smut going on here

Y/n's POV

It was another rainy morning. I, wearing some oversized top and panties, walked into the kitchen where i saw Joe cooking something.

"Hello beautiful." he leaned to kiss me but i moved away.

"What is going on?" joe asked confused.

"Nothing love, just feeling into teasing you." i winked at my boyfriend.

"What! Noo please not today."

I walked around the the table and suddenly felt strong arms around me throwing me on the sofa. Joe laid on my and strated to kiss my neck, he was moving slowly his hands down my body. I felt myself wet and him getting hard between my legs.

"Oh god. Joe!" he was moving slowly his hips against me and i helped with my hips moving up.
He sucked on my sweet spot leaving a mark.

"Okay maybe i will take that back. Joe please.. I .. I need you." i said already breathless.

In a second everything stopped. Joe stood up off me and walked away leaving me horny.

"Joeee. Hey wait! You can't do this!" i yelled back at him.

"Karma is a bitch huh?" he replied with a smirk on his face.

"Joe?" i said innocently knowing that he hardly let me go.


"I know you want me. I know you want yourself inside me. Deep deep down inside me. I would run my fingers around you dick. I would sit on it hard and you would fuck me harder and you wouldn't want me to stop."  i knew this drove him crazy.

He ran up to me laying me on the sofa again. He put his hands under my shirt and his fingertips were running around my bum. He picked my up and made me sit on him.

"Do your job baby girl." he said with his deep sexy voice.

I started to play with the rub of his sweats, my finger were finding the rub of his shirt. I kissed his neck couple of times before undressing him. His shirt first, then sweats, now i had the view of his sixpack. I ran my fingers through his V-line making his shut his eyes and whisper my name.

"Y/n please.. " Joe's voice turned me on even more.
I quickly throw away his boxers. I held his dick looking deep in his eyes. I softly ran my finger around it. I felt Joe's hands on my bum moving up and up finding the rub of my panties. I stood up to throw them away making Joe moan and his hands leaning to grab me. I put my hands on Joe's thighs slowly moving to his area. I grabbed hid dick again and started to move my hand up and down slowly. Then little bit faster.

"Y/n oh god. I' gonna...." Joe moaned.

"Wait for me." i said removing my hands and making Joe lay back on me.
"Your turn big boy." suddenly i felt Joe's fingers on my hips moving down. His soft lips were placing wet kisses around my belly hitting my area. I felt one finger rubbing my clit, joe still leaving slight kisses around my body. Another finger came to the show. He rubbed my clit and i moaned his name. I shut my eyes as i felt a finger inside me.

"Oh god joe!" i lift my hips shutting my eys hard.

"Fuck joe!" i felt another finger side inside and making me go crazy.

"Fuck me joe! Now!"

Joe's fingers left my area and i felt one kiss under my belly which send shivers down my  whole body. Joe looked at me and kissed me before entiring. I moaned hard as did Joe, he kept kiss my neck as he fucked me hard.
I felt my g-spot coming.

"Joe.. I will.." i whispeed into his ear kissing it softly.

"Me too baby girl."

He pushed one last time before leaving me, we both released our goods. Joe and me complitely breathless kiss once again.

"I love you baby girl, you have no idea." joe said laying next to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you too." i whipered kissing joe's chest and burying my head into that chest.


Hope you liked my first official smut.

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Goodbye innocence 🙋

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