Is this the end?

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Hey guys.

This is not an imagine as you would like it to be but I'm writing this to let you know that this is the end of this book. I want to thank you all for support and votes and comments. You are all so lovely.

The reason why this is the end is basically that I don't have time to write these imagine anymore and that I kinda lost the passion for Joe. I know I know! How is that possible??? I still do love Joe I still watch his videos and yes I still stalk him, but I don't feel like writing these imagines anymore.

Maybe I will write something else about someone else. Who knows? But at this point I only have imagines in my head.

Hope you liked this book and hope you're not mad 😂

I love you all so so much.

Have a nice day/night 💙💙💙

                             xx Kat

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