Surprise *part 1*

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Joe: i need to tell you something.

You didn't reply a long time.

Joe: okay forget it.

You: what Joe? Sorry i was with y/f/n.

Joe: nothing. It's fine. Don't mind it.

You: Joe.. C'mon. What is it?

Joe: nothing i just felt you should know but it's fine. Really.

You: i am on my way home. You will tell me when i get home, okay?

Joe: okay. Love you


You were 5 minutes from Jaspar's house (sorry for using Jaspar's house but i like it like that) when Caspar called me.

You: hey Casp i am on my way to you.

Caspar: yeah okay.. Did Joe called you?

You: we were texting. Why?

Caspar: there is something you should know but Joe already told you so it's okay. Bye

I was shocked. I didn't know what is happening so i started to go faster.

I finally got to the house. When i opened the door there was dark and silent.


Nothing. You decided to go to Joe's room. You walked downstairs and you heard weird noises. You slowly walked pass the door and put your ear on the door. You heard girly voice.

I think she will be shocked but it will be good for you. - she said.

It will be better for both of us. - Joe said.

I thought he has a girlfriend. That he cheated on me. I was so shocked. I slowly walked upstairs again. But there was a light and Caspar was in the kitchen.

Ou hey y/n. Did you see what Joe did? He asked me with a smile.

You mean that he cheats on me. No i heard him with another girl. I was really sad. Caspar looked shocked too.

Wait what? No he would never do that. He couldn't believe.

Joe!! Y/n is here! Caspar yelled at Joe.

No! You idiot! You tried to hide somewhere but you just seemed like lost monkey in the zoo. You couldn't hide. You heard Joe's footsteps. Also you heard the another girl's footsteps. When they came upstairs you hided your face with your hand.

Hey babe.- I heard Joe calling me and felt his hand on my waist.

Hi. - I replied quietly.

What happened?

You tell me Joe. - You looked up and saw beautiful girl with blond hair in ponytail. Pinky dresses and white heels. Barbie basically.

I have something to tell you. It's.. A big thing and i hope you can handle it. - he walked to the barbie and smiled at her, then on me.

If you are cheating just tell me. I... I heard you two downstairs so.. - i could feel a tear in my eye.

God no! Please y/n i would never do that. - he said with big smile and went downstairs.

I was confused why is he going away when everything is so awkward and stupid?

After a minute you could hear his footsteps again.

Another part very soon.
Let me know if you liked it 👍💬

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