Gakushuu Asano

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You made a mistake. You, an E-Class reject, had fallen hopelessly in love with none other than Student Council President, Asano Gakushuu. What made things worse? You were Karma Akabane's partner in crime; sent to the End Class for a similar reason to him.

Pushing your reputation aside, you attended every assembly. Just because he was in the same room as you. Though – you knew better than to look his way. His arrogance annoyed you slightly, but all in all, he seemed like a decent person. His father was controlling and kicked him aside if he was anything other than perfect. You wanted to help him. You really did.

Today was one such assembly. Professor Bitch had accompanied your class, and was muttering curses to the main campus students. Like most days, your heart pleaded for you to at least glance at Asano, but you knew that if you did, you would most likely not be able to look away.

Nobody knew of your affections – not even Karma. Once assembly was over, your classmates hung around the school building. You were walking with Nagisa Shiota, when his former D-Class classmates began sneering.

"Why are you E-Class scum still here?"

"Shouldn't you be back at that dump with the rest of those losers?"

Nagisa held his head down. This made you angry. You were protective of your friends, and not even Asano would get off lightly after insulting them. You grabbed the first by the neck, raising him in the air, cutting off his oxygen supply. When he was about to pass out, you kneed him where it hurt most. He crumpled to the ground, and before the other could run away, you punched him straight in the face several times, giving him a black eye and broken nose.

You stood over them, a sweet smile plastered on your features.

"Apologize." You stated, threateningly.

"W-We're s-sorry!" They shouted in unison.

You were about to turn back to Nagisa, when something caught your attention. It was The Big Five. You scowled, not wanting to hear any more rubbish about E-Class. They started towards you, laughing slightly. Glancing back, you gestured for your friend to go on without you. He gave you an apologetic look before walking off.

In less than a minute, you were face-to-face with your crush. You were good at hiding your feelings, so making it seem like you were disgusted by his presence was an easy task. However, you did want to see how he'd react to your teasing – so you decided to test it out.

"Hey Shuu-kun! Need something?" You asked innocently.

"It's Asano-san to you, E-Class filth." He replied, trying to sound menacing.

That only made you want to laugh, but you put on a sad façade, clutching your chest. You forced tears to well up in your eyes, and you spoke in your most convincing heartbroken voice.

"Y-You think I-I'm filth? That h-hurts, Shuu-kun!" That seemed to throw him off for a few seconds, and you actually noticed a faint blush form on his cheeks.

"Shut up! Why did you attack those students?" He questioned, regaining his composure.

You did the same, disregarding the conversation. You shrugged, and looked to the ground for a moment, studying the blood they left behind. When your eyes came off the floor, you managed to look directly into his eyes, and state calmly:

"They called us losers."

"And that was enough of a reason to hurt them?"

"Of course."

He face-palmed. You giggled at his action, which made the other four members of his party look at you cautiously.

"Ne Shuu-kun ~ am I gonna get suspended? For defending my friends?" By this point, you wore a smirk, and kept your hands behind your back.

He seemed to think about your question for a moment, then shook his head. He opened his mouth to speak, but you stopped him before he got the chance.

"Okay then! I'm gonna borrow you for a minute ~" You grabbed his arm and dragged him from his group.

At one point, he tried to escape from your grip, but you were strong, and stood your ground. He shouted insults, but nothing fazed you. When you got to a clearing behind the school, you let go of him. What the hell am I doing?

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked.

You smiled at his question. What is the meaning of this?

"Why do you say awful things about E-Class? Do you have a reason, or is it because of your father?" You didn't want to ask that, but neither of you made an attempt to stop it.

His eyes widened for a minute, but he smirked – he wasn't about to let you hurt his pride.

"The students in E-Class are there because their grades are unacceptable. They do not deserve to be on the main campus."

"Neither do you."

"What do you m-" He was cut off by a pair of soft lips.

To say he was surprised would have been an understatement. He did not expect you, of all people, to kiss an A-Class student. Though he had to admit – he did find you interesting, so he decided to indulge you. He kissed back, with more force, until you broke away.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Asano-san." You said, walking back to your campus.

Once you were out of sight, he turned towards the main building, muttering: "I'll find a way to make you mine."

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