Requested by: Cadence_Roszell
To be honest, Karma was getting sick of this. The way you always seemed to focus on one particular boy in the classroom, even to the extent of forgetting to take notes, was driving him up the wall. Just the other day, he had glanced you practising a confession into a mirror.
No matter how many times you were questioned, you always unconvincingly stuttered out a denial. Your feelings were painfully transparent, mostly in the way your face turned as red as your hair whenever his name was mentioned.
Oh, and don't think he didn't notice the way that boy looked at you.
Being the over-protective older brother, he felt an obligation to watch over you in class. So naturally, he observed every minor detail – body language, how Chiba always tried to talk to you, but would almost instantly turn away from embarrassment, etc.
The 'favourable' option in this situation (for anyone else), would likely be to play matchmaker. However, Karma was worried that the green haired dating sim protagonist would steal his little sister. Technically you were twins, but he treated you as if you were quite a bit younger.
Your personalities weren't too similar, so you oftentimes hung around a large group of your classmates, while Karma was off playing some prank on Koro-Sensei. That was the day you decided to take matters into your own hands, despite being a blushing mess.
Trying to steady your breathing, you made to where Chiba was with haste. Upon inspection, you realised that he was with Hayami.
You frowned.
Were they always together?
The pair noticed you, and while the boy smiled nervously, the girl smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"I'll leave you two alone." She stated, ambling off.
Chiba silently cursed her for leaving him alone with his crush. You, on the other hand, were doing much the same thing, except with slightly less conviction. Since he wasn't initiating conversation, you took the reins.
"H-Hey Chiba."
Damn you! Stop stuttering! Why are you so nervous? It's not like he's your biggest crush or anyth-
"Hey (Y-Y/n)."
There was a hint of scarlet on his cheeks as he mimicked your greeting; eyes downcast, fidgeting absentmindedly.
"S-So...I wanted y-you to know t-that I –"
Just as you were about to pour your heart out to the awkward recluse, someone's grip tugged you back, putting more space between you and Chiba. Looking up, you saw your brother, practically seething. You opened your mouth to begin an explanation, when you were silenced.
"(Y/n), I don't want to hear it. Chiba, stay away from my sister." He ordered, that same disdainful expression he used for every boy who so much as glanced at you, present on his face.
"Karma-" You started, only to once more be interrupted.
"I said I didn't want to hear it."
He then fully turned to Chiba.
"Why are you with my sister?" He questioned, voice low.
"I –"
Chiba attempted to get at least a few words in, but was never quite so lucky.
"You'll stay away from her unless you want to die." Karma spat.
You were frozen in place, a look of unadulterated shock plastered on to your features.
"She doesn't need you. I can protect her better than you ever could. She's my sis-"
The two males widened their eyes at your abrupt outburst. Karma seemed as though he wanted to defend himself, and tried to obstruct your view of Chiba.
That pissed you off.
Ahh, there it was. The notorious Akabane threats.
You rolled your eyes when Karma stared at you, bewildered. It was almost as if he didn't think his sister capable of such language. Or even, that such a usually gentle person could suddenly become so violent. So, while he was disorientated, you squeezed past him, taking Chiba's hands in yours.
You breathed.
"I wanted you to k-know that I-I love you..."
Regardless of your previous burst of confidence, you still managed to revert back to a shy, stuttering mess while trying to maintain eye-contact with the green haired geek.
His face reddened, matching your hair perfectly.
"R-Really? I love y-you too." He confessed, mildly unsure.
Apprehension moulded into relief and great jubilance. Not quite believing that it had happened like in an anime, you couldn't contain the excitement bubbling up inside you. Jumping slightly, you squealed into your hands, tears of the ultimate happiness cascading down your face.
Meanwhile, the forgotten Karma, having borne witness to your confessions, trudged discontentedly away from the new couple, muttering something about how "She better not move in with him."
On the plus side, your classmates had a hell of a time teasing him about it.
Well, Karma is a bitch, after all.