Ren Sakakibara

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This was it. Today was the anniversary of your mother's death. You were upset, of course, but refused to let it interfere with your studies. She wanted you to succeed, and you were happy to be able to do something for her, after all this time. You were talented, being in Class 2-A. Not having many friends, you spent most of your time in the library and music room.

When break came, you went to bury your face in a book. It was the one your mother used to read for you. Reciting the lines like you'd heard them a hundred times before, imagining her voice, and smiling. These were the things that made you feel comfort. A certain brown-haired male watched you from a distance, not missing the tears forming at the sides of your eyes. He wanted to hold you; tell you that everything would be okay.

You missed the absentminded smile he gave, as you traced the words on the page with your finger. One of his friends tapped him on the shoulder, breaking the trance.

"Ren, you're staring at her again."

"Oh, Asano-kun."

Said ginger sighed. He knew Ren as a playboy – not the sort to be this hooked on someone. Especially if they had little to no social interaction. What was so special about her? She would obviously just think he was nonchalantly flirting.

"She looks upset. I wonder what happened?" The taller male muttered to himself.

"If you want to know something, ask." Asano stated.

While they held that conversation, you glanced up curiously. As soon as you made eye contact with Ren, you blushed and looked down. Closing the book, you started to make your way back to class, wondering why your crush had been looking at you.

In your classroom, you took Maths, Science, Social Studies and a few other subjects before the bell rang. Your plan was to stay for a while in the music room, and play a song that reminded you of her. After that, you'd bring some flowers to her grave and pray.

Hoping to avoid big crowds, you swiftly ran to your destination. Unknown to you, Ren was following your every move. Putting down your bag, you grabbed the violin that you had left in the music room. It was very special to you – being one of the things your mother loved. You smiled, remembering the melodies she used to create. Raising it up, you began the song.

You put on a brave face the entire day, because you knew she wouldn't want you to cry. But now, you couldn't hold it back. Gently placing the violin on the ground, you sunk to your knees and began to sob. You pictured every smile she ever gave, every "I love you" she ever spoke. You had never felt so alone. That was, until you felt strong arms wrap around your waist. You tried to look up, but they pushed your head into the crook of their neck.

"Shh...It's okay." A soft voice said.


This was something you never expected the playboy to do – carry genuine concern. You quickly grabbed his shoulders and brought yourself closer. He asked you what made you so upset. You poured your heart out to him; explaining everything. When you had finished, you realised he was still holding you.

"It's okay. I'm here now – I'll make sure you never feel alone again." He kissed your forehead soothingly.

"Thank you."

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