Nagisa Shiota

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Requested by: AssassinGirl720


Although your teachers and classmates had already long accepted you, it was a foreign thought that you would ever find love. The hope had been cleverly masked behind your forever-cheerful façade, making it seem as if your life was perfect. You often joked about not needing a man, and in spite of this truth, you couldn't help wondering what a relationship would be like.

One of your closest friends had been stuck in your head for a while now, and the images of him that constantly invaded your mind; decimating all other thoughts refused to budge.

However, your 'condition' (as you called it) did sometimes favour you. For example, Nagisa was often spotted stroking your ears or playing with your tail. Whenever he did this, you felt as if some distant spirit had blessed you.

"So, how long have you been a neko?" He inquired during one of his petting sessions.

"All my life." You responded, purring as he scratched behind your ear.

Your face nuzzled into his hand, eliciting a light chuckle from the bluenette, as he felt the vibrations from your voice. Since he stopped for a moment to admire your content expression, he briefly neglected his duties.

"Why did you stop?" You whined, looking at him with a pout.

His features illuminated with a vibrant shade of red, making your head turn slightly in confusion. He stuttered, failing to produce coherent words, and resigning to just shaking his head. This seemed to satisfy you, so he resumed stroking your soft ears, smiling lovingly to himself.

Your eyes were shut, so he inadvertently forgot about hiding his adoration.

"Ooh!! Nagisa has a crush ~"

As a result of this abrupt exclamation, Nagisa's face returned to its previous crimson colour. Snapping open and immediately going as wide as they would, your eyes made a scan of the newest additions to your surroundings. Rio Nakamura, the only person you had ever actually confided in, had declared an utterly absurd falsification, leaving you broken when Nagisa rushed to deny it.

Disregarding your prior declaration of never crying over a boy, the tears cascaded down your face like a waterfall. They fell without your consent, and before you knew what was happening, you were out of the classroom door; Nagisa hot on your trail.

You ran as far as you could, making for the forest, and slumped at the base of a tree, sobbing freely into your knees.

"I'm s-such an idiot! I-I knew he'd never love me, b-but I had to f-fall for him!" You sniffed.

"T-That's not true!" His voice came out of nowhere, causing you to jump up, fully alert.

Your ears were downcast, as was your tail, further proving to Nagisa the extent of his mistake. He was panting; you weren't as affected because you were running on adrenaline – you had to get out of that stuffy room. Regaining his breath, Nagisa looked you directly in the eyes.

Your breath hitched.

"I-I love you!" He confessed, his gaze shifting nervously from your eyes to your ears, then your tail.

It was almost as if he was searching for signs that you would return his feelings. Despite hearing your words, Nagisa wasn't sure if you would still have him as your boyfriend, due to what happened.

You were quiet for a minute. He took your silence for rejection, and was about to turn around, when your hands went to his chest, and you began hitting him feebly.


Bringing your face into his chest, you allowed yourself more waterworks. He smiled tenderly, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you close. His head rested atop yours, noticing your ears twitch buoyantly. As your tears dried, you held him tightly, nuzzling your face into his chest.

" you too."

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