Balancing precariously on the roof of an imposing structure, you permitted the absentminded twirling of a penknife between your fingers. Having acquired a multitude of skills over the years, you acknowledged that a small blade forming an even smaller cut would not impede your work.
Retaining tabs on your target had proved quite a difficult task, despite him being a number of years your junior, and not possessing nearly as many talents as yourself.
It seemed, however, that his main advantage was his irritating ability to sense your presence. Unbeknownst to you at the time, spotting him through your binoculars, he had already glimpsed upon your position, allowing him ample time to create a diversion, throwing you off the scent.
Determination held you from relenting - nothing would have given you more satisfaction than seeing him covered in blood, writhing on the floor. His crimson locks often obscured your view of his features, but occasionally, you gazed on gorgeous golden eyes. These newfound, bothersome emotions plagued your mind day and night, refusing to release their grasp on you.
Although he was the very prey you vowed to conquer and destroy, his malicious tendencies and devilish personality caused your cold heart to pulsate agonisingly.
Puzzling this over, you surveyed the surroundings - dense woodland, plenty of insects, and a shabby building, which you sat atop. Your stalking had served some purpose, because at least you knew where he schooled.
"Who wants this kid's head, anyway?" You pondered aloud.
A faint rustling went unnoticed, before a voice spoke, "You tell me. Who's your boss?"
Allowing an amused breath to escape your nose, but not bothering to greet the source of the noise, you simply stared off into the distance.
"Oh come on. Not even gonna say hi?" From the way the sound increased in volume, you wagered that the figure was nearing your position.
Fluttering your heavy eyelids closed, you sighed deeply.
"An assassin should never let their guard down, you know."
Instantaneously, you felt a familiar sensation, like that of a frigid blade meeting your skin. Through re-opening your beauteous (e/c) orbs, you chanced upon those devious golden ones. Bringing a hand upwards, you pushed the false, green knife away from your throat.
"Interesting choice of weapon." You muttered, recording it in your mind.
His smirk widened, although it bothered you very little.
"Oh, this? Yeah, we're kinda trying to kill our teacher, and normal blades don't work on him." He declassified, despite it not holding any degree of meaning to you.
"Really? Good luck with that."
Briefly, you wondered how he had even crawled up on to the roof. Opting to let the pointless thought die, you noted that the target had, without prompting, scooted closer to your form. Adrenaline flooded your system, as it prepared itself to fight, but no fight came.
Instead, the young man, who couldn't have been more than four years younger than you, elected to snuggle into your side. Rather than the panicked response you had expected, your body adjusted to his figure, letting you put to bed any negative feelings.
"So stalker, who are you anyway?"