Itona Horibe

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Requested by: im_illogical


Donning your new training attire, you crouched in the mud outside a heavily guarded building. Next to you, Itona sat with a pair of binoculars. The two of you were on look-out duty, as your classmates infiltrated the edifice.

Your heart was hammering against your ribcage, not solely because of the apprehension. The proximity of your bodies caused your cheeks to redden, and you momentarily lost concentration.

A nudge to your side made your head snap to meet a pair of glistening yellow eyes.

"Stay focused. We need to keep watch."

His voice was silken across your throbbing chest. It coiled around your heart like a poisonous snake. Swallowing, you attempted to roll out an unfazed response. What followed was anything but that.

"Y-Yeah. I k-know."

Well that failed.

Itona's eyes bore into your soul, his gaze a mixture of monotony and veiled suspicion. It felt as if his eyes alone would draw out every truth – every deep secret.

There was no-one in class who had you figured out, and you intended to keep it that way. Not even Nakamura could find an answer. To this point, your feelings for the white haired male had remained allusive.

Well, all good things come to an end, and similar such nonsense.

A rather blaring explosion sent part of the roof tumbling into the tranquil night sky, disrupting your train of thought. Debris flew in your direction, and you only just managed to avoid it, by hurriedly jumping to the side. You lay on the ground – what you thought was the ground – waiting for any other loose pieces of roof to evade your hiding spot.

There was a subtle grunt from underneath you, and glancing down, your face once more erupted in a blossoming crimson, tinting even the bottom of your neck. Your words caught in your throat as you tried to process the predicament. Itona was sprawled out, seemingly unaffected by your unintentionally miscalculated action.

"I-I-I'm sorry!" You yelped, scrambling to get up.

He merely stared at you blankly. He did nothing until the moment in which you dislodged your leg from between his. As soon as you were unimpeded, he shot out a hand, grabbing your arm and causing you to fall with a small squeak.

"It was nice like this." He clarified, being unsuccessful in making you less anxious.

When he reasoned you couldn't speak, because he was pretty sure you would had you been able, he let a passive sigh escape his lips. Resting a hand on your chin, he lifted it up, knocking all the air out of your lungs as he connected your mouths in a gentle kiss.

He moved his lips, endeavouring to coax you into following.

You lay on top of him awkwardly, praising the moment, but simultaneously holding out for your classmates, who soon would be sure to make an appearance. After all, it was simply a matter of time before that tree broke from all their weight. 

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