Nagisa Shiota - Lemon

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Requested by: Nagisa_Is_Senpai


Nagisa had a stalker. Or, an overprotective admirer. You had been in love with him since he first crossed your line of sight. For you, it was like one of those fairy tale love-at-first-sight moments. You managed to get into the same class as him, Class E, obviously by coincidence. It's not like you messed up your grades on purpose.

It was magical. You could talk to him, though always hiding the true extent of your feelings. He was really good at English, so you got him to tutor you. Every other day, you would be round at his house, sitting next to him, talking and working. You were close enough to smell him, touch him, fantasise about him...

You also got into the habit of taking things from his room. You had built up a collection – things that he had used, such as his toothbrush, pens, and even the things you could be put away for, like underpants.

You had some of his hair too. You loved everything about him.

That was why you snapped when he kissed Kayano. You didn't care that it was for the benefit of the class. You watched them. She blushed bright red. You knew she had a thing for your man – of course she did. He was so perfect, and they were always together. That's why you needed to keep a close watch on her.

You gritted your teeth at the time, trying to come up with a way to quietly dispose of her. When an opportunity arose, you took it without a second thought.

She was always so nice to everyone, so naturally, she trusted you. She didn't expect any malicious intent when you invited her over for a visit. You told her that your parents were out, but you could make tea, and the two of you could discuss school and leisure related things.

She seemed more than happy and willing. You took this as a green light. Nagisa wouldn't miss her, right? On the way to your house, you made polite conversation, not letting your rage consume you. Instead, you allowed it to build up inside you.

When she got to your room, her face contorted with fear.

"I guess you saw it." You spoke, in a light tone.

She looked over your Nagisa shrine, horrified, then glanced back. You shrugged, locking the door, taking the key with you. Then you went to the window and made sure that was locked as well.

"We didn't need you anyway. You wanted to take him from me. I'll fix the problem. I'll remove the third wheel." You grabbed a clean axe from under your bed.

Kayano ducked when you swung at her, and attempted to use what she learned from Assassination training, but you were too fast. In a matter of seconds, you had her pinned to the floor, one hand around her neck, suffocating her, while the other held the axe steady. You trailed it over her body, creating incisions that bled and made her scream.

She tried to yell "help me!", but you moved your hand so that it clamped her mouth shut. You stopped moving the axe when you saw her tears. You faked an expression of sympathy.

"Dear, you really shouldn't try to take what belongs to me." You stated, coldly.

All the colour drained from her face, and she once again made screaming sounds, but you kept her muffled. She started squirming. You made a look of disgust.

"I'll teach you what it means to be the third wheel." You raised the axe above your head, then brought it down. It made a chopping noise, and got stuck in the floor.

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