Gakushuu Asano

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Requested by: AnntonetteAlison


You sat in the library, minding your own business, reading a rather large book. On the table, there was a travel mug from which you occasionally took sips. There were hardly any students in the vicinity, meaning you had a peaceful zone free of the egotistical know-it-alls from the main building.

Class A was okay...but having a major crush on the top-performing student really wasn't going to get you anywhere in life. You convinced yourself to make a getaway to the library, where you could be alone with a good book, focusing on something more interesting than quadratic equations.

You heard the door open, then close quietly. It must have been someone who respected the tranquillity of the library. Resuming your book, you happily took in all the words, letting yourself be consumed by the world it had created. A chair skidded out in front of you.

Looking up, your (e/c) eyes were met with a pair of dashing purple ones. Your breath caught in your throat, and you nervously dropped your head, as if consulting the book for advice. He continued to stare at you for a few minutes, causing your unease to increase. After a while, you got the feeling that it was all very bothersome.

Bookmarking your page, you relented to his gaze, meeting the intense stare once again.

"You needed something, Asano?" You questioned, hoping against hope that your voice didn't fail you now.

He just smiled. "Nothing really. I just wanted to see your face."

The butterflies in your stomach were threatening to burst. Then again, he always said such things, so you knew not to take him at his word. Instead, you simply sighed, removing yourself from the table and electing to position your book back in its place on the shelf.

"Good book?" He asked, sounding closer than he could have been.

You swivelled round swiftly, instantly regretting your every life choice. He was standing right in front of you, that ever-fake smile plastered on his features. He advanced, so you took a step back. This persisted until your back was flat against one of the bookshelves.

"I-If you came here to see me, then you can leave now." You mustered up the courage to speak, despite your legs feeling like they might give way at any time.

"Yes, but I could truly stare at you all day, (Y/n)."

The way he said your name sent shockwaves throughout your entire being. Of course, he was likely only doing it to elicit a reaction, so externally, you showed nothing; no signs of submission. Nothing to tell him that his methods were successful, and certainly nothing to exhibit how this was affecting you internally.

You prevailed with a disinterested expression, sighing every now and then for dramatic effect.

"Asano..." You began.

However, you failed to account for him swooping in to steal your first kiss. He placed his lips against yours gently, while his hands rested on your shoulders. You surrendered – moving your lips in sync, and feeling him prod at your mouth with his tongue, asking for entrance.

You gave him what he wanted, and soon, the only sounds were the moans escaping your mouth, and the panting whenever you broke for air.

After one such break, he pressed his face into your neck, opting to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you as close to him as possible.

"Be my girlfriend." He stated.

"I don't really have a choice, do I?" You questioned.

"Do you want one?"

"Not particularly." 

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