Requested by: Haime_Leika
Having known you more intimately for some time now, Asano could confidently assure himself that his feelings were indeed long past that of adulation. Rather, they were that of considerable idolatry. Passing you in the corridor made him exceptionally exultant, and he often tried thinking of more creative ways to get your attention.
Like for instance, his humorous lines when he challenged Class E.
Since you were always within hearing distance, you couldn't help sighing every time, just wishing that he would put an end to his childish resentment. In fact, you were on quite friendly terms with a few of the End Class' members, including a certain ikeman.
You waved to him sometimes in assembly, and scolded your classmates if they acted with inflated egos, lowering the self-esteem of every member of the class. They were always thankful, but questioned why you would bother. You told them it was your moral code – when you saw someone being bullied, you had to help them.
With this, you became fast friends with Isogai, along with a few others.
After one such assembly, you called the cowlick boy over to you, ignoring the disapproving glares being thrown your way. The one you didn't notice, however, was that of Asano's. His jealousy could be described as like the raging fires of hell – he was furious.
"I'm sorry for my classmates. I believe that's something they always do...?" You bowed, causing him to wave his hands at you frantically.
"'s fine. We're used to it. Besides, we have super awesome teachers now, so they'll step in if anything gets out of hand." He replied, nervously.
"Oh, ok..." You trailed off, suddenly feeling a pair of eyes burning a hole into your back.
As soon as you turned, you were greeted with a stern glare. Although, the moment he noticed the confused glint in your sparkling (e/c) eyes, he plastered on his most attractive smile. Recognising this as genuine, not the façade he regularly puts on in school, you blushed lightly, hastily returning to look at Isogai.
However, just as he was about to speak, your arm was tugged harshly, sending you into someone's chest. You gasped audibly, your voice muffled by this familiar chest.
"Isogai, was it? You're getting awfully close to my girlfriend. Not trying to steal her, I hope?" He interrogated.
That smile was definitely false. His words made the poor ikeman stumble a bit – it turns out that he might have indeed had quite the thing for you.
"G-Girlfriend?" He implored.
His eyes met yours, and you saw an expression of disbelief. Deciding not to say anything, you silently shook your head, to which he muttered something incoherently, and glanced away for a brief second.
"You don't seem to believe me. I can prove to you that she's mine." He smirked.
Furrowing your brows, you started asking "How-", when you were cut off by the feeling of lips pressing against yours. Asano had grabbed your chin, bringing your mouth up to meet his. Pressing against you harshly, he grinned into the kiss upon hearing you moan.
He brought one hand up to massage your breasts under your shirt, immediately sticking his tongue in when you gasped. He moved it against yours, engaging in a battle for dominance. When he noticed Isogai still standing nearby, a look of horror inscribed on to his features, Asano locked eyes with the brunette, narrowing his purple orbs in a threatening manner.
Startled and embarrassed, the ikeman scrambled away. You pressed against the strawberry-blonde's chest, signalling that you needed a break for air. As he let you go, he savoured your glorious features: you were panting heavily, with luscious red cheeks, and eyes that screamed your pleasured feelings.
He ran a tender hand across your cheek, admiring his divine work.
"You are mine. Understood?"
The only way you could respond to his demanding tone was by nodding. Leaning in for another kiss, neither of you bothered to consider that you were still in the assembly hall, and had now gathered quite a crowd. Once turning to face some of the boys from your class mumbling about how Asano "Always gets the good ones", he snaked protective arms around your torso.
"She's simply too good for you."