Requested by: Autumn_Mint
An internal conflict raged in his mind, as he attempted to decipher your true feelings. To outsiders, it was painfully obvious that you possessed no real love for the boy. Although, he supposed, that was probably due to the secrecy regarding your betrothal.
During the day, school progressed as usual – boring lessons with shockingly duller teachers, alongside that painful sense of continuously going unheeded by the one you desire. Asano remembered every awkward hallway encounter, where each of you refused to acknowledge the other, creating a vicious cycle that was eating at his heart.
Despite not particularly wishing to masquerade his emotions, it seemed that you were all too willing for not a single soul to learn the truth of your relationship, however shambolic it may have been.
Since you never permitted him the honour of hearing your voice for an extended time, he was left to piece together every bit of discouraging body language and facial expression, leading to the conclusion that he was beyond hated.
A wistful sigh escaped his lips as he trailed his eyes on the stairs before him, their minimal steps seeming immeasurable to his leaden legs.
"Well, I suppose I should eat something." The words echoed, but held very little conviction.
Trudging up to a metal entryway, Asano fiddled with some keys in his pocket, before selecting the correct one and pushing open the door. Greeting him was an isolated atmosphere, feebly veiled by the murmuring wind. Wordlessly, he stepped on to the roof of Kunugigaoka Junior High, admiring the craftsmanship of a place quite evidently not meant to be used as a lunch spot.
However, ditching school policy for a few moments of quiet deliberation and solitude, he perched beside the railings, fishing around in his bag for a small bento box. Briefly, he wondered if you had the ability to cook, attempting to force away the idea of settling down with you.
He began to eat, silently placing white rice into his mouth, all while failing to eradicate you from his mind. Brows furrowed in concentration, Asano's purple orbs flickered shut as he focused on repressing the inappropriate images clouding his head.
Sadly, a soft knocking soon pulled him out of his fantasies, and his irritated gaze wandered over to the door, spying an unknown individual lurking in its shadow.
"Hello?" He called, unsure, but sounding wholly confident.
"...Asano?" Came the response, or question.
Instantly perking up, he flashed his usual smile, endeavouring to conceal any traces of heartache that once painted his pale features.
"(Y/n)." Waving you over, he observed your hesitance.
Although, in spite of this, you still felt obliged to allow him examination of your face. He did so, gracing your wondrous (e/c) eyes and radiant (h/c) locks, with a piteous expression of longing.
"I'm sorry. I can leave." You informed, eliciting quite a reaction from the strawberry blonde.
Staring at your person with wide, panicked violet orbs, Asano moved his mouth in an attempt at conversation. Really, he just looked like a fish. When he was finally able to speak, he noticed you had manoeuvred further from his position by the railings.
"No." His voice was firm, causing you to jolt slightly.
He coughed. "You've been avoiding me."
"Actually, you avoided me."
"Do you feel anything for me?" While his tone was calm and voice unwavering, the distress was clear.
Sighing, you raked a hand through your hair. "I don't hate you. I know that much. I just...our parents made this arrangement years ago."
"But you don't love me." It wasn't a question; the answer was as disturbingly obvious as if it had been handed to him on a silver plate.
Shaking your head, you responded, "No. I'm sorry, Asano."