Yuma Isogai

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Being from the main building, you got in to the assembly hall before Class E. Even though he was from the End Class, Yuma Isogai received love letters from girls on the main campus. You were one of his less stalker-ish fangirls; you didn't fancy your chances against some of the girls that loved him. Even so, you managed to sneak glances at him every time his class entered the assembly hall.

Nobody knew of your crush, but sometimes he would catch you looking at him. In those moments, you thought he had the most wonderful smile, and had to turn your head for fear he would see your glowing cheeks. The assembly was pointless – another excuse to bully E Class.

Subtly, you glanced over to where he was standing, to find him already staring at you. Smiling nervously, you quickly averted your eyes.

What if he likes me back?

Or does he think I'm a stalker?

But...he smiled at me. That's good...right?


You had to stay at school for a while after it had ended to finish something for the Student Council, but you couldn't focus properly because you were low-key fangirling over Isogai. After everything was completed, you decided to stop at a nearby café. Upon opening the door, you were greeted by a familiar voice.


The two of you froze, and stared at each other for a while. He looked terrified, while you were confused. You thought he got moved to E Class for having a part-time job. Why would he risk getting expelled?

Eventually, you lowered your head and almost ran to one of the seats at the back of the café. A waitress came over and took your order, while you silently died on the table. After some time, you heard movement next to you. Raising your head, you saw Isogai with your drink, scratching his neck nervously.

"Here you go. One (f/d)."

"Oh. Um...t-thank you."

Briefly, you wondered if Asano knew anything about his job, but shook the thought away, as you didn't want Isogai to get punished. Since he wasn't making any attempt to move, you tried to start a conversation.

"N-Nice café." Great going (Y/n).

"Pardon? Oh, yes." He said.

"I-I won't tell anyone about your job." You assured him, hoping it would make him less nervous.

"Thank you. If Asano knew, I could get expelled this time." Well, it worked.

For a while, the two of you just talked. There were plenty of staff, and hardly anybody in the café. Both of you appreciated each other's company. If he was being true to himself, Isogai had developed a bit of a crush on you, what with seeing you glance at him in the assembly hall.

"I – uh, would you like to go for a coffee sometime?" He asked, a faint red dusting his cheeks.

You saw this, and it nearly made your face erupt in a violent tomato colour.

"Y-Yes. I love you..."


"I-I'd love that! I m-meant I'd love that!" You covered your face with your hands in shame, ready for rejection.

Instead, your hands were slowly removed from hiding your features, and a bright smile was plastered on Isogai's face.

"I love you too."

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