Requested by: dragonhunt3r2
Class A was completely boring; you didn't need the re-teaches and pointless, time-consuming tasks. In fact, looking at the jovial students from Class E, you wondered if more entertainment was to be found in that off-campus building.
You just needed to be defected.
There wasn't a chance that you would allow your grades to suffer, so you instead elected for something you (and the whole of Class E) had wanted to do for a very long time.
"I take it you know why you're here." The principle started, a disapproving tone rising in his voice.
"I improved the condition of your son's face, yes." Your reply came without emotion; your gaze held steady.
He laughed in a displeased manner.
"You punched him." He reiterated.
"It would appear so."
Outwardly, you simply looked bored; internally, you were pleased with your quick retorts. However, the principle was not.
"You will be put into Class E."
He slid some papers on his desk, motioning towards the picture of a yellow creature.
"This is your new teacher."
When the principle informed you of your situation, he seemed beyond elated. Apparently, that class was a punishment for the ill-mannered and stupid.
That's the main building though, isn't it?
Sitting on the floor of your bedroom, you gazed towards your collection of katanas, standing idly atop various cabinets and drawers. Beside the real ones, your custom-made Anti-Korosensei katana lay proud. Having submitted the form only yesterday, you were surprised at its fast arrival.
Yawning, you rose, grabbing your school bag, and shoving whatever you needed inside it. You put the katana in a holster that was on your back, disguised by your blazer.
Walking to Kunugigaoka, you ignored the enraged glares from Asano's fangirls, alongside comical sneers from prior classmates. They were 'whispering' bullshit such as "I always knew she would be put in the End Class."
Well aren't you attractive?
Unfazed, you wandered up the hill to Class E's campus, revelling in the near-silence and lack of irritants. A content hum alerted a wandering bluenette. You hadn't noticed him, but he nervously stalker closer.
"Um...h-hello? Are you alright?" He questioned, sweat-dropping when you turned rapidly, making a grab for your katana.
Scanning his features, you registered that he was neither a threat, nor someone you should hurt. Your composure was regained – face once more plastered with a monotonous expression.
"Ah! Nagisa Shiota!"
He looked slightly anxious, which you soon figured was probably due to the absence of emotion in both your face and voice.
"(Y/n) (L/n). I was transferred." You spoke, an impassive sigh leaving your lips.
"Oh...why?" He inquired.
Your eyes darted to his face; holding his blue eyes in your gaze. A dark scarlet crept on to his features, as he scrambled to retract his sentence.
"I-I don't h-have to-"
"I punched Asano."
All of a sudden, his frantic movements ceased. For a moment, you thought he might be befuddled. Instead, you heard an adorable laugh, sending a marginally different shade of crimson to your cheeks. Feeling the warmth in your face, you pivoted to the side, shielding your flushed features from view.
"Shut up."
"S-Sorry! That was just-"
"I told you to stop talking."