Hiroto Maehara

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"Good morning." Asano greeted you, with that fake-as-ever smile.

"Good morning. I see the assassins failed." You retorted blankly.

"Ow. You wound me." He put a hand on his heart.

"Get over it."

You were walking into school with your best friends, Isogai and Maehara, when someone who used to be closest to you showed up. Asano hated Class E, and so it stood to reason that he would hate you as well after you joined.

Your personality made it so that you didn't actually care he turned on you. All you needed was the support of your class, including your crush, Maehara.

He was one of your best friends, and you didn't want to ruin the strong bond, but you couldn't help falling for him. Though, it annoyed you when he flirted with other girls. You seemed to be the only one he wasn't interested in.

It hurt, but you tried to push it aside.

In Class E, you were one of the fun people, who always made an effort to include others whenever you could. On the main campus, you were stone cold.

Maehara noticed how you were with Asano, but he didn't want to pry. He didn't know your backstory, and that was fine by him.

The three of you walked to the Class E building together, talking and laughing. You had the best time with them. They were practically family to you. How could you love one of them?

When he was alone with Isogai, he took the time to consult his friend.

"What should I do man? I love her, but I freeze up when I try to flirt." He ran a shaky hand through his hair.

"Don't take it too hard. Maybe you don't need to flirt." He responded, causing the blonde male to stare at him questioningly.

"Well," He continued, "what if she likes you back? You make each other happy - just ask her out."

Maehara looked at Isogai for a while, trying to come up with a counter. How could he just ask you out? It wasn't that simple. You made him red in the face. And if he was being completely honest, he thought you were really hot when you acted so cold towards Asano.

"How?" He asked.

"Try practising a confession. Just imagine her saying yes." Isogai replied, attempting to offer help.

"Okay...(Y/n), will you be my girlfriend?"


"Great, now I'm hearing things. Thanks man." As he said this, he saw Isogai's eyes widen as he pointed behind Maehara.

The blonde turned around, and almost fell off his seat. You were there, giving him the biggest smile he had ever seen you with. For a moment, he felt proud that he was the one who made you so much more beautiful.

Then reality came crashing down, and he slowly turned red.

You giggled, and it was like music to him. He realised how much he loved the sound of your voice. How your smile made him feel so weightless.

"In exchange, will you be my boyfriend?" You asked, grinning.

He immediately stood up, and went to plant a kiss on your cheek.

"You missed." Taking him by the tie, you brought him down and moved your lips against his, willing him to do the same. In a matter of seconds, you were in having a passionate make-out session in the classroom.

All the while, Isogai was still there, happy for his best friends, but nervously looking everywhere but the two of you.

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