Gakushuu Asano {1}

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Requested by: PotatoIsReader


"Father, who is this?" The strawberry-blonde questioned, sincerely confused about the girl in the picture.

"She is (Y/n) (L/n). It happens that she is new, and she beat you in the midterms in a few subjects." His father replied coolly, savouring the look of rage on his son's features.

"Pray tell, which subjects?" He asked, attempting to maintain his calm demeanour.

Principle Asano pointed to the sheet of paper on his desk, motioning for his son to read it. He saw 'Excels at Japanese, Social Studies, Maths and Science.' He thought four subjects was pushing it greatly. Surely this girl wasn't as good as the hype.

"I don't expect her to have any trouble from you, understood?"

Asano responded with a faint 'Understood' through gritted teeth. Walking out of his father's office, he wandered the halls until he found his classroom. All the while, your picture was on his mind. He was going to find out what was so special about you.


The next day, you were in his class, introducing yourself. As with everyone, he gave you his fake smile, but you hardly looked at it. Instead, you made friendly conversation with some of the side characters. This made him quite angry, but remembering his father's warning, he realised that there was really nothing he could do.

Throughout the day, you were finishing each task minutes before everyone else, meaning you had a lot of free time. The students in your new class found you to be incredibly helpful, and willing to assist them with any question they did not understand.

Asano was beyond confused – he wondered how you could be so nice as to lend out notes freely, help with problems, and walk past him oh so many times without sparing him a glance. He briefly pondered if something was wrong with him, but dismissed it as you just being oblivious to his charm.

He was also getting rather jealous that the attention had been removed from him, since you always had all the answers. He liked being the one that others turned to when they had a maths problem. However, word quickly spread that you beat him in the midterms, and anyone that had a query turned to you for advice.

That annoyed Asano greatly. He still wasn't sure he saw what was so special about you.

This continued for a number of days, eventually turning into weeks, and you still hadn't even talked to him. He had, of course, ingrained your voice into his head ever since your introduction, but since then, he had only heard your voice from a distance.

He stared day-dreaming in class – something he had never done before. He had always been so attentive; so ready and willing to give answers during class. But, because he wanted to hear your voice, he quite selfishly stopped himself. Almost every time.

To anyone else, it might have seemed like nothing, but he knew that he had developed a profound admiration for you. From the way you effortlessly answered questions in class, to the way you helped others in class with a smile and a laugh.

The great Asano Gakushuu had become deeply interested in you, to the point he could even venture to call it love.

While he was lost in thought, he didn't acknowledge your presence. However, to you, it looked like he was staring blankly at his sheet of paper, so you went to offer him some assistance.

"Asano-san?" You called, poking his shoulder lightly.

His head jerked up, and his wide purple eyes met yours with a look of utter befuddlement. It took a few seconds, but he eventually regained his calm farce.


You smiled. "Are you having some trouble?"

His eyes travelled to the sheet on his desk, and the unanswered questions. Oh yes – he had forgotten that he was stuck on those ones. His gaze returned to yours sheepishly, as if searching for confirmation that you wouldn't laugh at him.

"Don't worry about it. Let me help." Your voice was angelic to him – a choir of every beautiful sound, mixed in to one.

"Y-Yes...thank you." He faltered, quickly grabbing his pen.

"So, you do this...then divide by seven, squaring the answer, gives you..." Your handwriting was all over his paper, and he was lost in how neat it seemed.

"Asano-san? What's wrong?" You questioned, concerned for the wellbeing of your classmate.

"Nothing, nothing. Though I have to ask – why are you helping me?" He inquired, fully expecting you to say something about how you felt the need to help anyone because of your kind-hearted nature.

"Huh? I'd do anything to help a friend!"

Any previous jealousy or negative feelings faded away, leaving only love and admiration in their place. 


Yeah, that was probably it.

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