Karma Akabane

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Requested by: thebestofcardsace


A prominent blush blew up your face.

"B-Baka! Why would you even say that?" You shouted, arms crossed and unable to maintain direct eye contact.

"Because I like seeing your reactions ~"

Childhood friend or not, Karma pissed you off every single day. His incessant teasing and lack of remorse really grated on you. However, there was no denial in that you were glad for the attention. Lately, you figured he had been spending far too much time around other girls in the class; not paying the least mind to you.

The nerve!

"My reactions shouldn't concern you, dummy!"

In spite of your aggravated comments, Karma continued to laugh at you – something he did frequently. It never bordered on anything malicious, and the two of you had stayed friends throughout your Kunugigaoka journey. Well, you tried telling yourself that he was just a friend.

In actuality, the feelings you had harboured for years now were growing each moment you spent together. Occasionally, you put distance between the two of you, so as not to be seen having sort of romantic thoughts.

Today, however, you worked up the courage to pour your heart out to him.

He had better listen – you would only do this once.


He hummed, signalling that he was keeping an ear out for anything interesting.

"I uh...I-I-I LIKE YOU!"

Confessing suddenly didn't seem like such a good strategy. He was silent; completely silent. There was nothing in his eyes to indicate whether he would accept or reject you. He simply...didn't respond.

Feeling all prior confidence wash away, you stumbled backwards, then promptly ran to the E Class building, holding your tear-stained cheeks. Upon entering, you hid, and refused to come out until everybody had left. You specified that Karma especially, had to be off the premises.


The following school day was torture.

It took every ounce of your being not to physically hurt him, or sob until you couldn't anymore.

All day, he teased you about the confession, with phrases like "Who knew?" and "You like me that much, huh?"

Thankfully, that particular day you had an Assembly. Trudging down to the main building, you saw a certain strawberry blonde. He waltzed up to you, ignoring the glares from your classmates.

He gave you a sheet of paper.

"The principle thinks you are more suited to Class A." He took note of your forlorn expression, frowning almost unnoticeably.

"He might be right..." You whispered, nodding.


For the days after, Karma's teasing only got worse. As a direct result of his big mouth, the whole class now knew of your feelings. You were crying every break and lunch; not eating, not speaking. Four days passed at least, but to you they dragged on.

Your head rested on the desk, as you contemplated how much more of this you could take.

You were becoming a hollow shell of who you were, and it was entirely the fault of the boy supposedly your best friend. Lost in your thoughts, you didn't hear him until he was right in front of you.

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