Chapter 1 - Meet the Girls... and Shawn

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I woke up by the annoying sound of mine screaming, "It's... MONDAY! It's... MONDAY!" as an alarm clock continuously, which reminded me of the horrible Monday. Oh, Monday the Moron. Why!

By the time I decided that I have to face my horrible fate, which is Monday, it was nearly time for school. "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! MAMA? WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!"

After what was supposed to be a half an hour morning routine squeezed into fifteen minutes, I finally got in my mum's car,"Have a nice day, Camila!" She said. Hopefully I will, if rest of the girls are here, then I will probably have an awesome day. The rest of my girls were Dinah, Normani, Ally and Lauren. We're an awesome squad together. Ally is the earliest today, "Hey Camila! Ready to spend a Monday in prison?" I chuckled at her sarcasm. Then we meet up with other girls and head to math. Math and Monday's just don't mix. As we walk down the corridor in a row, people all turned their heads to our direction. They all waved and say morning or hi to us. I wouldn't say we're famous, but still a number of people know us.

Just when I was thinking of another M word that can fit with Monday and moron, I bumped into a person, "Sorry, Shawn. Too awesome to notice you." Then I've got it. Mendes. "Yeah whatever." He said. Shawn is super annoying. He's really tall, a lot more taller but he's actually one year younger than me. All Shawn care about is his vines and his YouTube channel. Besides that, nothing. Well, maybe you can count his guitar in.

He's also one of the "famous" people. But thankfully, we don't sit at the same table. Enough said. Ugh boring math eventually passed, history was over. After history was finally lunch, my favorite class. I got pizza and sat down with the girls. They were looking so hyper, is Beyoncé coming or something? "Camila, girl, we need to tell you something." Lauren said. "Lemme guess... Are you dating Shawn?"

"No! You know how we all hate him as much as you do, right?" Normani said. Of course I know.

"So, well," Dinah said slowly, "we're going to the Austin Mahone tour! We can finally get out of here!" She is SO excited because she really liked Austin and she hates school. "BUT, there is a down side." Ally told me, "Shawn is coming too. But hey, we're not gonna be unhappy because he's here."

"Agreed." We all said in unison.


Alright. I'm all set to go to New York. I went to the airport then meet up with the the girls. We were so excited! Normani handed out plane tickets to us and we start approaching the gate. Not a long flight. Just a 5 hour flight. To be honest, I've been on worse. I checked my seat, 9A. Yes! Near the window. I love those spots. Those are my favorite. But I checked with other girls and they were not sitting near me. Am I going to sit alone? Um, it's not that bad, but it will be boring.

We went on our plane and I sat down at 9A. Then 9C is taken by a young man. Then the whole row is filled up but except the one next to me. Maybe they're late. Wait a sec. They're not, HE'S not. "Hey kid." Shawn said. "Shawn, it's I who should call you that."

"Then why are you acting like one?" He laughs. No matter what, I will not like him."Shut up."

2 hours walked away, then Shawn spoke again, "Should we talk cause like it's weird if we don't talk and were in the same class." Another Shawn fact: Shawn is much weirder than you think. So we chat for a while an I found out that Shawn is a nice person really. It's just he wants to be like the rest of his friends so he started acting like a douche.. "You know, you don't have to act that way to be liked really. In fact, it is extremely annoying and it doesn't make anyone happy." I told him.

So me and the girls went on tour and we truly enjoyed it. An during the tour me and Austin had gotten really close, maybe even more... but I'm getting off topic. I'm glad that on the way back to school I don't have to listen to Shawn. He is nice, but he's still annoying and calls me kid.


Another normal Thursday. Just one more day till the weekend! I finished all my morning classes and went to lunch with the girls. As I sat down, Shawn came to our table and gave Lauren the high five trick (where you give someone a high five but then you brush your hair with that hand at the last minute) and then he finally stopped, "Hey girls we're going to Taylor Swift's tour. Just heard it." and he walked away. Is this a prank? Cause he knows how we all ADORE Taylor. She is so goddamn awesome! I asked him across the room, "Shawn this is a joke right?"

"No it's not. I know you guys want to marry her but no. Check with your manager if you want!" He left us all freaking out and for like 10 minutes, I think we were the loudest in here.


I packed, I tweeted about this, I posted on Instagram about this, I did everything to let the whole world know that fifth harmony is going on tour with the one, and only, Taylor Swift. And finally we're going! I was listening to "Blank space" as I was arriving at the airport. Another few hours spent on the plane. Well, at least I get to sit with all the girls, NOT with Shawn. And yes, he's coming too. Why does he follow me everywhere?

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