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chapter two

chapter two

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"Come on, please," Remus whined, attempting to pull a stubborn Rosie from her spot.

"No, you were lucky enough that the Hufflepuff prefects offered to cover for us," she huffed, crossing her arms.

"I just want you to actually meet the rest of my friends," Remus persisted, slightly loosening his grip on her arm. "It's our fifth year and you have yet to have one actual conversation with any of them."

"I don't want to, not after what Potter had called Severus right in front of my face, and also saying that he wasn't worth our time -"

"I'm sorry that he offended you, but I promise that they're much better once you get to know them," he tried hopefully, a large grin plastered on his face.

As the stubborn girl looked up at her friend's hopeful smile, she sighed heavily, silently praying that she wouldn't regret her decision. "How about this? I'll sit with Lily and Severus for the train ride - I already promised Lily - and I'll sit with you guys on the carriage ride?" she suggested. It was a simple compromise; she knew that Remus - the headstrong boy he was - wouldn't give up and if she didn't, they would be standing there for the rest of the ride.

And as Remus' smile widened, she couldn't help but feel hers grow too. "Great! Just meet me at the platform once we stop, ok?" he told her, his bright hazel eyes gleaming with happiness and satisfaction.

"You got it," Rosie sighed and pulled him into a hug, her face resting on his chest. "Why are you so tall?" she asked, her voice muffled. She could feel the vibrations of his chest as he laughed at her question.

"Why are you so short?" he remarked with the same tone.

She looked up and narrowed her eyes at him. "Touché."


"And I just don't understand why he would automatically assume that I would flock to him with his stupid friends just because I smiled at him. Since when did smiling become a form of flirting, and how could he be so daft, thinking that I would be flirting with him -" Lily rambled on to Severus before Rosie stopped her.

"Let me guess, rambling about Potter?" Rosie laughed lightly, leaning against the compartment door. Lily whipped her head around to face her.

"Merlin! How did you get in here without me noticing?" the red-head joked while quickly enveloping her into a tight hug.

"Well, you were so into your rant about Potter that you didn't even notice when she opened the door, walked in, and slammed the door shut," Severus quipped with a ghost of a grin on his face. His comment made Lily turn as red as her hair and playfully glare at the two.

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