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"You must survive to protect Leila and Harry. The fight...is not yet over. Should Sirius be sent to Azkaban, I am certain you do not want Leila to grow up with his name," Dumbledore stated.

"He's innocent! I know it!" Rosie stressed quietly, still holding Leila in her arms. 

The three of them had apparated to McGonagall's home where they could speak privately, away from the curious muggles and ministry officials. Much to Rosie's sadness, she could hear fireworks and loud celebration of wizards - those celebrating the death of Voldemort - but they seem to forgot the cost of his fall.  

"We will do the most we can to help him, but there is only so much we can do," Minerva sympathized. 

Rosie nodded understandingly, still thinking of how she could defend her husband. She drank her tea and watched the fireplace roar as she drifted into sleep while McGonagall and Dumbledore talked quietly in the back.



Years had passed since that night at Godric's Hollow. Sirius was, unfortunately, condemned to life in Azkaban trial with no trial. Rosie spent many nights crying and many days at the ministry to argue with the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, telling them they had convicted an innocent man.

As somewhat of a peace offering, they allowed Rosie to visit Sirius. Their reunification was emotional as it had been almost two weeks since they last saw each other. Rosie reassured Sirius that she knew he was not guilty and that Leila was doing fine. Most of their visits were spent in simple silence as the two merely held hands and looked at each other, embracing the little time they got together.

Rosie wasted no time tracking down Remus to tell him of the news. She was incredibly disheartened when she found out that he already knew and believed that Sirius was guilty. It was easy for him to believe since Remus and Sirius' friendship had been on the rocks for the last few years since they both believed each other to be the traitor in the order. They had a long argument until Rosie told him the full, true story. The rest of the night was spent with tears, chocolate, and hugs.

Rosie invited Remus to stay with her so he wasn't alone in his humble cottage. He graciously accepted as he desperately needed somewhere to stay and the money. 

Unfortunately, the job search was rough for Remus, despite his stellar marks from Hogwarts. Rosie, who had more than enough money, was more than eager to invite him to stay with her. She "hired" him as her bookkeeper of both her muggle and wizard world fortunes and even tried to find him a girlfriend, which he always declined with a blush. 

Visits to McGonagall's were frequent, and Rosie and Remus spent most of their time with Leila. 

Leila Andromeda McGonagall was growing into a wonderful child. She was smart like her mother and adventurous like her father. She understood from a young age her complicated family situation and understood the secrets she had to keep. Eventually, she grew big enough to wear the necklace Dumbledore gave her when she was a baby, and it never left her neck.

Ten years were spent as such until it was time for Leila to go to Hogwarts. Rosie begged Minerva to let her take Leila shopping for it was one moment she would never forget with her own mum when she was younger. Minerva said yes (begrudgingly) and warned them to stay out of any attention. 

It was during their visit to Diagon Alley when Leila met and befriended Ronald Weasley, who she bumped into when buying books. Their conversation was cut short when her frantic mother urged her to hurry and get her wand. 

For a while, everything seemed alright. 


the sequel will be posted soon! it will be more focused on leila's experience at hogwarts :)

love you all ♡

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