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chapter nine

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chapter nine


Dear Rosie,

Your father and I have agreed to allow you to stay at Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore has been in frequent contact with us regarding the situation, and we understand that you wish to stay in school. I still think you should stay at home with us, but it is ultimately your decision. Hogwarts is lucky to have Madam Pomfrey and Dumbledore, or else I would bring you home straight away. Remember to keep a hyper vigilant eye and to keep your friends close. You don't know who you can trust in these times. 

With our love,

Elizabeth Winters

Rosie sighed in relief as she wrote her response. Her parents initially wanted her to be sent home straight away, but after much persuasion from Dumbledore and herself, Rosie was able to stay at Hogwarts. Leaving was, in Rosie's opinion, one of the worst things to do. It would draw even more attention to her and there was the problem that she still didn't know who her attackers were, so she would be stuck inside her home all the time.

It had been almost two weeks since the incident, and during this fortnight, Dumbledore had officially determined how her attackers got onto school grounds. After much discussion with the villagers, Dumbledore discovered that they had indeed apparated to Hogsmeade, then walked to Hogwarts using the same path the students followed on trips. Dumbledore also said that he was certain that they received help and information from a Hogwarts student. 

Dumbledore, being the dramatic man he was, proceeded to give a lengthy, ominous speech to the students about the dangers of sneaking someone onto school and possible punishments. Of course, this only heightened the Gryffindor versus Slytherin feud -- Sirius and James were convinced that it was the "slimy snakes" that helped.

The two boys wouldn't shut up about it until Rosie begged them to stop, wanting to try and put it behind her. She had finally conceded to the fact that she couldn't remember who did it and realized that she didn't want to dwell on it anymore. 

Obviously, there were moments when she was scared. 

Some nights she woke up in a cold sweat, suddenly feeling the familiar pain of a thousand white-hot knives shooting in her veins, and Lily had to help her stop crying from the pain.

Some days she noticed how afraid she was to be alone. Her typical lonely walks in between classes weren't as comforting as before and she found herself walking with Sirius, who was more than willing to accompany her.

Some days she found herself questioning her own friend. When she tried to talk to Severus, he darted away instantly and left Rosie to wonder what she did to make him avoid her. Then she remembered his strange behavior since the beginning of term, and as much as she didn't want to believe it, a part of her considered that maybe he did help. 

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