thirty five

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thirty five

Life in the Order of the Phoenix was stressful, to say the least. While it wasn't as pressuring as it was when she was a Hogwarts student, her reputation and position in the Order gave her great strain as she was always expected to be one of the best.

As the others finished their required training, she continued to go on missions with other members, although her usual partners remained to be Frank and Alice Longbottom.

She quickly decided that it wasn't fun being a third wheel. Although, she appreciated the couple for continually trying to make her feel included. 

Luckily, missions were never too long lived as Rosie truly was an excellent witch. Her perfected nonverbal and wandless magic made her an intimidating opponent, and death eaters usually fled in fear before she could capture them and take them to the ministry for punishment.

Meetings with the Order grew frequent as the Dark forces continued to increase their reign of terror over the Wizarding World. The meetings were kept strict secrets and not a word said was supposed to leave their lips outside of the room where it happened. However, Rosie never failed to share the secrets with Sirius after she returned home for the night.

Their flat seemed to slowly grow smaller as their bond grew stronger. Rosie gradually filled the rooms with her belongings - mostly books - and Sirius brought in new muggle things he found everyday. The empty walls turned into bookshelves filled to the brim with novels, textbooks, random knick-knacks, meaningful items, and framed photographs. And their fireplace found itself constantly lit, replicating the feel of their adored Gryffindor common room. 

In the mornings, Rosie would wake up early - a habit from Hogwarts she couldn't break - while Sirius would relish the extra time he had in the mornings by sleeping in until the late hours of the morning. 

Rosie had quickly grown accustomed to a new morning routine. She would rise around seven in the morning, wash her face and brush her teeth, and prepare breakfast over Sirius' music emitting from the record player. 

There were some days where they were both flooded with work from either the Order or training and there were days where they just laid around and reveled in their own presence. It wasn't quite the adult life they dreamt of, but then again, the world around them wasn't what anyone had envisioned.

Today was one of those days where they just sat around and enjoyed each other's warmth. It went on until noon, when an urgent owl flew through their window and dropped a letter onto their laps, flying away before they could identify who the owl belonged to. However, they immediately knew it was James' as his refined handwriting became visible on the unfurled parchment.

Pads, Rosie, great news! As of July 24, 1978, 11:52 in the morning, Lily and I are officially engaged! It's finally happened! Spread the news! She said yes! I'm so happy! Lily is now gone! Where is she going! 

Rosie gasped loudly. Lily was engaged to James Potter! She never thought she would see the day. She dashed out the door and headed over to where she knew Lily would go after the good news - home.

Sirius' expression mirrored hers, except his was the shock of James fully committing himself. His eyes widened as he then realized that he had fully committed himself to Rosie. I hope she doesn't expect me to propose now, he thought. Sirius turned to his side where Rosie was previously sitting, only to see her dash out of their flat, the wooden door slamming loudly behind her. His already wide eyes opened even further.

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