thirty three

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thirty three

The time had come for the Apparition Exam, and it was just enough to send Rosie over the edge. With NEWTs just around the corner, her final evaluation of lessons, her membership in the order, and the worry of any trust issues in her relationship with Sirius, all she needed was a little push to finally send her falling. And a push she received.

" there? I need your help...Rosie!" James shouted into her ear after seconds of prodding at Rosie's unmoving body. Rosie jerked back into reality and nearly hit James in the face, her sudden movement flinging his body off the bench.

"What?! Oh my god, I'm gonna fail! I'm never gonna get my Apparition license! Dumbledore and McGonagall are gonna be so disappointed in me! And - and NEWTs! Oh, Merlin! Where's Lily?!"

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks for asking," James muttered as he picked himself up from the floor and sat back onto the bench.

Sirius scooted closer to her and put his arm around her shoulder. "And Sirius is also right here. Your boyfriend is right here if you need him and is offering a good luck kiss." 

Shortly after his statement, the doors to the Great Hall opened and out walked Lily and Mr. Rogers. Rosie, who was up next, paled and gulped.

"Oh no," Remus whispered as Rosie shakily stood up. They all knew that she could easily pass, but feared that her nerves and stress would get the better of her.

"Very good, Miss Evans!" Mr. Rogers exclaimed to Lily, who smiled brightly at him and thanked him before walking over towards the group. Mr. Rogers looked down at his paper and looked at the next name. "Miss Winters, you're up next." Rosie nodded and smiled reluctantly.

Rosie walked over with shaky legs and sighed as he closed the door behind them. She put on a fake, cool exterior and looked at Mr. Rogers with anticipation. Mr. Rogers gave her an excited grin and looked down at his notes.

"Alright, Miss Winters, you will be going to the entrance of Tomes and Scrolls in Hogsmeade - do you know that store?" he asked her. Rosie thought clearly about the bookshop in the village and nodded, she had visited the store many times with Lily and Marlene (and Severus, but Rosie didn't want to think about that).

"Remember the Three D's," Mr. Rogers said before he apparated there himself. Rosie nodded again and closed her eyes in concentration. She focused on the exterior and entrance of the shop, then let her body take her to her destination. The odd sensation took over her again as she felt the familiar sensation of her stomach lurching again. She then felt her feet plant themselves onto solid floor and kept her posture.

"Great job, Miss Winters! Flawless!" Mr. Rogers suddenly praised, causing her to open her eyes. She had landed right where she wanted to. A smile immediately rose to her lips and she let out a deep breath of relief. She and Mr. Rogers both disapparated back and walked out of the Great Hall. While he didn't vocally say anything like he had with Lily, the proud smile on his face was enough for everyone looking. 

Rosie ushered out of the doorway and sat down on her previous seat happily.

James huffed. "See, just like I said. You've never failed once."

"Mister Allans, you're up," Mr. Rogers called out. One by one, more and more students went in and out. During that time, Rosie and Lily looked over their notes, the four boys walked around doing Merlin knows what, and Marlene and Dorcas studied with each other.

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